I'm having some issues where when if I run this C extension outside of a Rails environment it works, but when I run inside Rails it gives me a stack dump.
I get this error message:
NoMethodError Exception: undefined method `evaluate' for #<String:0x00000103557db0>
This is presumably referring to the calls I am making within the EV::Counters evaluate function, to the "evaluate" functions that exist in the three instances that I am calling.
Strangely valgrind is not giving me any errors. But I think there is something basic I might be doing wrong with how I reference my instances?
VALUE rFlushInstance, rPairCounterInstance, rStraightInstance;
static VALUE
evaluate(VALUE self, VALUE val, VALUE suit, VALUE index)
rb_funcall(rFlushInstance, rb_intern("evaluate"), 3, val, suit, index);
rb_funcall(rStraightInstance, rb_intern("evaluate"), 2, val, index);
rb_funcall(rPairCounterInstance, rb_intern("evaluate"), 2, val, index);
return Qnil;
void Init_counters()
EV = rb_define_module("EV");
VALUE Counters = rb_define_class_under(EV, "Counters", rb_cObject);
VALUE Flush = rb_const_get(EV, rb_intern("Flush"));
VALUE PairCounter = rb_const_get(EV, rb_intern("PairCounter"));
VALUE Straight = rb_const_get(EV, rb_intern("Straight"));
rFlushInstance = rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, Flush);
rStraightInstance = rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, Straight);
rPairCounterInstance = rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, PairCounter);
rb_define_method(Counters, "initialize", initialize_counters, 2);
rb_define_method(Counters, "evaluate", evaluate, 3);
What I needed to do was to store the instances as instance variables, like:
VALUE rPairCounterInstance = rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, PairCounter);
rb_ivar_set(self, rb_intern("@pair"), rPairCounterInstance);