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JMESPath join output and strip unwanted chars

I have the following json;

    "compartment-id": "CompartmentID-123",
    "defined-tags": {},
    "display-name": "Test-123",
    "freeform-tags": {},
    "id": "ID-ABC",
    "kms-key-id": "",
    "lifecycle-state": "ACTIVE",

I am looking to join the id and display-name params into a comma seperate string with " and [] stripped, like so:


Closest I've managed to get so far is:

oci fs file-system list -c $compart --availability-domain $ad --query 'data[].[id,"display-name"][]' | tr -d '" '

Wondering if there's a cleaner way of doing this all within JMESPath without piping output to tr, jq, sed or awk etc etc

UPDATE based on input from β.εηοιτ.βε

So close...

oci fs file-system list -c $compart --availability-domain $ad3 --query 'data[0].join(',', [id, "display-name"])'


ParseError: invalid token: Parse error at column 13, token "," (COMMA), for expression:
"data[0].join(,, [id, "display-name"])"

However playing around with quotes, best I can get is by using;

oci fs file-system list -c $compart --availability-domain $ad3 --query "data[0].join(',', [id, 'display-name'])"
Private key passphrase:

I'm beginning to wonder if there's something wrong with my local settings or shell, whereby it's getting confused by the quotes marks?


  • Since you do have an array, you will first need to target the first element of the array, to get rid of it. Since an array is 0-based, this can easily be achieved via:


    which gives

      "compartment-id": "CompartmentID-123",
      "defined-tags": {},
      "display-name": "Test-123",
      "freeform-tags": {},
      "id": "ID-ABC",
      "kms-key-id": "",
      "lifecycle-state": "ACTIVE"

    Then, in order to create the string you are looking for, you can use the join function, that accepts, as parameter, a glue character and array.

    You can get the array you look for pretty easily, using filters and multiselect lists:

    data[0].[id, "display-name"]

    which gives


    Now we just need to apply the join function on top of all this:

    data[0].join(',', [id, "display-name"])

    which finally gives:


    Additional notes on quoting in JMESPath:


    data[0].join(',', [id, "display-name"])


    data[0].join(`,`, [id, "display-name"])

    are two strictly equals queries.


    data[0].join(',', [id, 'display-name'])

    has a totally different meaning and would end you with the string display-name being the second element of your array, so it will result in


    All of this based on the JSON structure:
