I have a nodes diagram in table layout.
In case I have some nodes in cell I got this table:
Image: https://ibb.co/554y9ck
(behind Q2 there are Q0 and Q1.. they are overlapped)
How can I arrange them nicely? :)
Here is my nodesTemplate:
var nodeSimpleTemplate =
$(go.Node, "Auto",mouseEventHandlers(),
new go.Binding("row").makeTwoWay(),
new go.Binding("column", "col").makeTwoWay(),
new go.Binding("alignment", "align", go.Spot.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Spot.stringify),
new go.Binding("layerName", "isSelected", function(s) { return s ? "Foreground" : ""; }).ofObject(),
//locationSpot: go.Spot.Center,
// when the user clicks on a Node, highlight all Links coming out of the node
// and all of the Nodes at the other ends of those Links.
click: function (e, node) {
var diagram = node.diagram;
diagram.startTransaction("Click simple node");
// @ts-ignore
node.findLinksOutOf().each(function (l) {
changeLinkCategory(e, l);
l.isHighlighted = true;
// @ts-ignore
node.findNodesOutOf().each(function (n) {
n.isHighlighted = true;
changeNodeCategory(e, node);
diagram.commitTransaction("Click simple node");
$(go.Shape, "Ellipse",
fill: $(go.Brush, "Linear", {0: "white", 1: "lightblue"}),
stroke: "darkblue", strokeWidth: 2
$(go.Panel, "Table",
{defaultAlignment: go.Spot.Left, margin: 4},
$(go.RowColumnDefinition, {column: 1, width: 4}),
{row: 0, column: 0, columnSpan: 3, alignment: go.Spot.Center},
{font: "bold 14pt sans-serif"},
new go.Binding("text", "key"))
var nodeDetailedTemplate =
$(go.Node, "Auto",mouseEventHandlers(),
new go.Binding("row").makeTwoWay(),
new go.Binding("column", "col").makeTwoWay(),
new go.Binding("alignment", "align", go.Spot.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Spot.stringify),
new go.Binding("layerName", "isSelected", function(s) { return s ? "Foreground" : ""; }).ofObject(),
//locationSpot: go.Spot.Center,
// when the user clicks on a Node, highlight all Links coming out of the node
// and all of the Nodes at the other ends of those Links.
click: function (e, node) {
var diagram = node.diagram;
diagram.startTransaction("Click Details node");
// @ts-ignore
node.findLinksOutOf().each(function (l) {
changeLinkCategory(e, l);
l.isHighlighted = true;
// @ts-ignore
node.findNodesOutOf().each(function (n) {
n.isHighlighted = true;
changeNodeCategory(e, node);
diagram.commitTransaction("Click Details node");
$(go.Shape, "Ellipse",
fill: $(go.Brush, "Linear", {0: "white", 1: "lightblue"}),
stroke: "darkblue", strokeWidth: 2
$(go.Panel, "Table",
{defaultAlignment: go.Spot.Left, margin: 4},
$(go.RowColumnDefinition, {column: 1, width: 4}),
{row: 0, column: 0, columnSpan: 3, alignment: go.Spot.Center},
{font: "bold 14pt sans-serif"},
new go.Binding("text", "key")),
$(go.TextBlock, "Time: ",
{row: 1, column: 0}, {font: "bold 10pt sans-serif"}),
{row: 1, column: 2},
new go.Binding("text", "time")),
$(go.TextBlock, "Parameters: ",
{row: 2, column: 0}, {font: "bold 10pt sans-serif"}),
{row: 2, column: 2},
new go.Binding("text", "parameters"))
// for each of the node categories, specify which template to use
dia.nodeTemplateMap.add("simple", nodeSimpleTemplate);
dia.nodeTemplateMap.add("detailed", nodeDetailedTemplate);
Here is the diagram definition:
public initDiagram(): go.Diagram {
// define a custom ResizingTool to limit how far one can shrink a row or column
function LaneResizingTool() {
go.Diagram.inherit(LaneResizingTool, go.ResizingTool);
LaneResizingTool.prototype.computeMinSize = function() {
var diagram = this.diagram;
var lane = this.adornedObject.part; // might be row or column
var horiz = (lane.rowSpan >= 9999); // column header
var margin = diagram.nodeTemplate.margin;
var bounds = new go.Rect();
diagram.findTopLevelGroups().each(function(g) {
if (horiz ? (g.column === lane.column) : (g.row === lane.row)) {
var b = diagram.computePartsBounds(g.memberParts);
if (b.isEmpty()) return; // nothing in there? ignore it
b.unionPoint(g.location); // keep any empty space on the left and top
b.addMargin(margin); // assume the same node margin applies to all nodes
if (bounds.isEmpty()) {
bounds = b;
} else {
// limit the result by the standard value of computeMinSize
var msz = go.ResizingTool.prototype.computeMinSize.call(this);
if (bounds.isEmpty()) return msz;
return new go.Size(Math.max(msz.width, bounds.width), Math.max(msz.height, bounds.height));
LaneResizingTool.prototype.resize = function(newr) {
var lane = this.adornedObject.part;
var horiz = (lane.rowSpan >= 9999);
var lay = this.diagram.layout; // the TableLayout
if (horiz) {
var col = lane.column;
var coldef = lay.getColumnDefinition(col);
coldef.width = newr.width;
} else {
var row = lane.row;
var rowdef = lay.getRowDefinition(row);
rowdef.height = newr.height;
// end LaneResizingTool class
function AlignmentDraggingTool() {
go.Diagram.inherit(AlignmentDraggingTool, go.DraggingTool);
AlignmentDraggingTool.prototype.moveParts = function(parts, offset, check) {
go.DraggingTool.prototype.moveParts.call(this, parts, offset, check);
var tool = this;
parts.iteratorKeys.each(function(part) {
if (part instanceof go.Link) return;
var col = part.column;
var row = part.row;
if (typeof col === "number" && typeof row === "number") {
var b = computeCellBounds(col, row);
part.alignment = new go.Spot(0.5, 0.5, b.centerX, b.centerY); // offset from center of cell
// end AlignmentDraggingTool
// Utility functions, assuming the Diagram.layout is a TableLayout,
// and that the rows and columns are implemented as Groups
function computeCellBounds(col, row) { // this is only valid after a layout
var coldef = dia.layout.getColumnDefinition(col);
var rowdef = dia.layout.getRowDefinition(row);
return new go.Rect(coldef.position, rowdef.position, coldef.total, rowdef.total);
function findColumnGroup(col) {
var it = dia.findTopLevelGroups();
while (it.next()) {
var g = it.value;
if (g.column === col && g.rowSpan >= 9999) return g;
return null;
function findRowGroup(row) {
var it = dia.findTopLevelGroups();
while (it.next()) {
var g = it.value;
if (g.row === row && g.columnSpan >= 9999) return g;
return null;
function mouseEventHandlers() { // standard mouse drag-and-drop event handlers
return {
mouseDragEnter: function(e) { mouseInCell(e, true); },
mouseDragLeave: function(e) { mouseInCell(e, false); },
mouseDrop: function(e) { mouseDropInCell(e, e.diagram.selection); }
function mouseInCell(e, highlight) {
var col = e.diagram.layout.findColumnForDocumentX(e.documentPoint.x);
if (col < 1) col = 1; // disallow dropping in headers
var g = findColumnGroup(col);
if (g !== null) g.isHighlighted = highlight;
var row = e.diagram.layout.findRowForDocumentY(e.documentPoint.y);
if (row < 1) row = 1;
g = findRowGroup(row);
if (g !== null) g.isHighlighted = highlight;
function mouseDropInCell(e, coll) {
var col = e.diagram.layout.findColumnForDocumentX(e.documentPoint.x);
if (col < 1) col = 1; // disallow dropping in headers
var row = e.diagram.layout.findRowForDocumentY(e.documentPoint.y);
if (row < 1) row = 1;
coll.each(function(node) {
if (node instanceof go.Node) {
node.column = col;
node.row = row;
// adjust the alignment to the new cell's center point
var cb = computeCellBounds(col, row);
var ab = node.actualBounds.copy();
if (ab.right > cb.right-node.margin.right) ab.x -= (ab.right - cb.right + node.margin.right);
if (ab.left < cb.left+node.margin.left) ab.x = cb.left + node.margin.left;
if (ab.bottom > cb.bottom-node.margin.bottom) ab.y -= (ab.bottom - cb.bottom + node.margin.bottom);
if (ab.top < cb.top+node.margin.top) ab.y = cb.top + node.margin.top;
var off = ab.center.subtract(cb.center);
node.alignment = new go.Spot(0.5, 0.5, off.x, off.y);
const $ = go.GraphObject.make;
const dia = $(go.Diagram,{
layout: $(TableLayout,
$(go.RowColumnDefinition, { row: 0, height: 50, minimum: 50 }),
$(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 0, width: 100, minimum: 100 }),
// defaultStretch: go.GraphObject.Horizontal,
'initialContentAlignment': go.Spot.Center,
'undoManager.isEnabled': true,
resizingTool: new LaneResizingTool(),
model: $(go.GraphLinksModel,
linkToPortIdProperty: 'toPort',
linkFromPortIdProperty: 'fromPort',
linkKeyProperty: 'key' // IMPORTANT! must be defined for merges and data sync when using GraphLinksModel
If you start from the Table Layout sample, you can just add this line in the Group template:
layout: $(go.GridLayout, { wrappingColumn: 1 })
Adapt the GridLayout as needed, or replace it with a different layout.