I have an html canvas that was created in p5, and I would like to add an audio track to it so that I can stream it with a webrtc connection. I currently can stream the visuals but not the audio.
I am adding the audio stream to my canvas as follows:
let canvasSource = document.getElementById('canvas-viz');
audio: true
}).then(audioStream => {
track => {
console.log("canv source: ",canvasSource.captureStream().getAudioTracks()); // prints []
So my main problem here is that when I call canvasSource.captureStream().getAudioTracks()
I get []
. So it seems that addTrack
isn't properly working. I tried calling canvasSource.captureStream().getAudioTracks()
in the dev tools in case there was some asynchronous tomfoolery happening and also go []
. I also tried the following in the dev tools:
audioTracks = audioStream.getAudioTracks();
But this also didn't work, returning []
when looking at getAudioTracks()
. When calling audioStream.getAudioTracks()
, I get an array of size 1 with my microphone input stream.
I was following methods shown in: how to add a audio stream on canvas stream in webrtc
I am developing this in Chrome. For my purposes, at the time being, it doesn't need to be cross compatible in Firefox.
returns a new MediaStream at each call. You have added your audiotrack to a MediaStream you can't access anymore.
Store the canvas MediaStream in a variable accessible there and add the track to that MediaStream.