So I am trying to put together some data to run a machine learning model. I need all the data in one google sheet. But I am importing the data from a different spreadsheet saved elsewhere.
This is my current formula
=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("link", "AvevaReturns")) Screen reader support enabled.
It returns the spreadsheet but with the column label which is located in row 3 (two rows above it are blank).
I have tried this, this and this to no avail.
I don't want the header included. I tried relabelling it using the label function in query according to the required order. If this does not work, how do I retrieve the data without the label?
=QUERY(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("ID", "NamedRange"), "offset 1", 0),
"select Col1 where Col1 contains '"&B2&"'")