I'm using Vuelidate for a form that has multiple sections. Each of these sections has formData object and name. Nested inside each of these is a ZIP object to validate zip code with numerous validations....required, numeric, minlength, and maxlength. What I would like to do is have ONE computed property zipCodeValid() and use on both. As of now I have two different computed properties targeting each section which is not terrible but I would like to see ONE reused for a cleaner approach.
Zip validation:
zip: {
minLength: minLength(5),
maxLength: maxLength(5),
computed: {
sectionOneZipValid() {
return (
(this.$v.formData.secOne.zip.$dirty &&
!this.$v.formData.secOne.zip.numeric) ||
(this.$v.formData.secOne.zip.$dirty &&
!this.$v.formData.secOne.zip.minLength) ||
(this.$v.formData.secOne.zip.$dirty &&
sectionTwoZipValid() {
return (
(this.$v.formData.secTwo.zip.$dirty &&
!this.$v.formData.secTwo.zip.numeric) ||
(this.$v.formData.secTwo.zip.$dirty &&
!this.$v.formData.secTwo.zip.minLength) ||
(this.$v.formData.secTwo.zip.$dirty &&
Yes you can pass an argument like this..
computed: {
sectionZipValid() {
return sec => { return (
(this.$v.formData[sec].zip.$dirty &&
!this.$v.formData[sec].zip.numeric) ||
(this.$v.formData[sec].zip.$dirty &&
!this.$v.formData[sec].zip.minLength) ||
(this.$v.formData[sec].zip.$dirty &&
and it can be called as