Question regarding Web3j library. How can I replay all the logs from the blockchain using web3j ? I know there is a method to replay all the logs from a particular contract:
EthFilter filter = new EthFilter(DefaultBlockParameterName.EARLIEST,
DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST, "0xafc785653c...")
event => {
And it works fine, however when filter
is created without parameters -new EthFilter()
, it doesn't capture any logs at all.
What if I have 1000 contracts to listen to events from ? What is the best way to go about this ?
public EthFilter(DefaultBlockParameter fromBlock, DefaultBlockParameter toBlock,
List<String> address) {
this.fromBlock = fromBlock;
this.toBlock = toBlock;
this.address = address;
As of Web3J version 3.6.0, you can pass a list of contract addresses to hear events from.
Although creating a list of 1000 contracts addresses manually is troublesome, you can maintain a file or db table from which you can fetch the contract addresses. I hope this answer helps.