My method is in a Java class like this...
//some business logic
String userId = org.apache.logging.log4j.ThreadContext.get("userId"); //I need mocking for this using Spock or Mockito
//more business logic
return map;
I am trying to write a test for the above method using Spock framework and ThreadContext is getting in the way - I couldn't mock it to return a string of my wish. I tried to put a custom value into the ThreadContext during setup of the spock test...(didn't work)
def setupSpec() {
ThreadContext.put("userId", "sriram")
Spock cannot mock static methods of Java classes out of the box, only Groovy classes. With additional tools such as Mockito, Powermock, JMockit or my own tool Sarek this is possible. I would not go that way if I were you, though. For me your sample code runs flawlessly like this:
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow.q65702384
import org.apache.logging.log4j.ThreadContext
import spock.lang.Specification
class Log4JThreadContextTest extends Specification {
def setupSpec() {
ThreadContext.put("userId", "sriram")
def test() {
ThreadContext.get("userId") == "sriram"
So ThreadContext.put("userId", "sriram")
does what you want. If it does not, your problem is something unrelated to Spock, for example:
you are just too early because your code under test sets the same property during execution, e.g. in the //some business logic
, setup()
or somewhere in your feature method.