On my flink script I have a stream that I'm getting from one kafka topic, manipulate it and sending it back to kafka using the sink.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
Properties p = new Properties();
p.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", servers_ip_list);
p.setProperty("gropu.id", "Flink");
FlinkKafkaConsumer<Event_N> kafkaData_N =
new FlinkKafkaConsumer("CorID_0", new Ev_Des_Sch_N(), p);
WatermarkStrategy<Event_N> wmStrategy =
.withTimestampAssigner((Event, timestamp) -> {
return Event.get_Time();
DataStream<Event_N> stream_N = env.addSource(
The part above is working fine no problems at all, the part below instead is where I'm getting the issue.
String ProducerTopic = "CorID_0_f1";
DataStream<Stream_Blocker_Pojo.block> box_stream_p= stream_N
.keyBy((Event_N CorrID) -> CorrID.get_CorrID())
.map(new Stream_Blocker_Pojo());
FlinkKafkaProducer<Stream_Blocker_Pojo.block> myProducer = new FlinkKafkaProducer<>(
new ObjSerializationSchema(ProducerTopic),
FlinkKafkaProducer.Semantic.EXACTLY_ONCE); // fault-tolerance
No errors everything works fine, this is the Stream_Blocker_Pojo where I'm mapping a stream manipulating it and sending out a new one.(I have simplify my code, just keeping 4 variables and removing all the math and data processing).
public class Stream_Blocker_Pojo extends RichMapFunction<Event_N, Stream_Blocker_Pojo.block>
public class block {
public Double block_id;
public Double block_var2 ;
public Double block_var3;
public Double block_var4;}
private transient ValueState<block> state_a;
public void open(Configuration parameters) throws Exception {
state_a = getRuntimeContext().getState(new ValueStateDescriptor<>("BoxState_a", block.class));
public block map(Event_N input) throws Exception {
p1.Stream_Blocker_Pojo.block current_a = state_a.value();
if (current_a == null) {
current_a = new p1.Stream_Blocker_Pojo.block();
current_a.block_id = 0.0;
current_a.block_var2 = 0.0;
current_a.block_var3 = 0.0;
current_a.block_var4 = 0.0;}
current_a.block_id = input.f_num_id;
current_a.block_var2 = input.f_num_2;
current_a.block_var3 = input.f_num_3;
current_a.tblock_var4 = input.f_num_4;
return new block();
This is the implementation of the Kafka Serialization schema.
public class ObjSerializationSchema implements KafkaSerializationSchema<Stream_Blocker_Pojo.block>{
private String topic;
private ObjectMapper mapper;
public ObjSerializationSchema(String topic) {
this.topic = topic;
public ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> serialize(Stream_Blocker_Pojo.block obj, Long timestamp) {
byte[] b = null;
if (mapper == null) {
mapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
b= mapper.writeValueAsBytes(obj);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
return new ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]>(topic, b);
When I open the messages that i sent from my Flink script using kafka, I find that all the variables are "null"
CorrID b'{"block_id":null,"block_var1":null,"block_var2":null,"block_var3":null,"block_var4":null}
It looks like I'm sending out an empty obj with no values. But I'm struggling to understand what I'm doing wrong. I think that the problem could be into my implementation of the Stream_Blocker_Pojo or maybe into the ObjSerializationSchema, Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks
There are two probable issues here:
doesn't have null fields? You may want to debug that part to be sure.ObjectMapper
, You should have getters and setters available for Your block
otherwise Jackson may not be able to access them.