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Getting null project key in a Jira Cloud App sprint_started webhook

I'm developing a Jira Cloud Add on that will receive sprint related events:

  "modules": {
    "webhooks": [
        "event": "sprint_started",
        "url": "/sprints/started?project={project.key}&id={}"
        "event": "sprint_closed",
        "url": "/sprints/closed?project={project.key}&id={}"

As described in the documentation I've used the placeholders {project.key} and {} to get the information about the project in which the event was triggered.

This is the controller that is invoked:

    @PostMapping(value = ["/started", "/closed"])
    fun sprintEvent(@AuthenticationPrincipal hostUser: AtlassianHostUser, @RequestParam project: String, @RequestParam id: String, @RequestBody body: Map<String, Any>): Mono<Void> {

However both project and id are null

The same thing for issue events works smoothly, receiving the project key:

  "modules": {
    "webhooks": [
        "event": "jira:issue_created",
        "url": "/issues/created?project={project.key}&issue={issue.key}"
    @PostMapping(value = ["/created", "/updated"])
    fun issueEvent(@AuthenticationPrincipal hostUser: AtlassianHostUser, @RequestParam project: String, @RequestParam issue: String, @RequestBody body: Map<String, Any>): Mono<Void> {

What's the problem with the sprint events?


  • There seems to be a limitation in which those properties aren't available in the sprint event "context".

    My workaround was:

    1. Get the board id:
    val boardId = (body["sprint"] as Map<String, Any?>)["originBoardId"] as Int
    1. Get the whole board information with the atlassian rest client:
    val board = atlassianHostRestClients.authenticatedAsAddon().getForObject("/rest/agile/1.0/board/{boardId}",, boardId) as Map<String, *>`
    1. Extract the project key from there:
    val projectKey = (board["location"] as Map<String, *>)["projectKey"] as String