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How to use axios interceptors in ES6 generators?

Currently, I have this Axios call, what I want to achieve is use interceptors inside ES6 generators.

I want to use axios interceptors to retry a request if the back end service sends back a "401" response, any suggestion?

const token = '...';

export function* getUsers(user) {
  return yield axios({
    headers: {
      Accept: "Aplication/json",
      Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
    method: "get",
    url: '/getUsers/:id'
  .then(data => data)
  .catch(e => e)


  • May be you can try something like this.

    import axios from "axios";
    export const getClient = (token) => {
        const options = {};
        if (token !== null) {
            options.headers = { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` };
        const instance = axios.create(options);
        instance.interceptors.response.use((response) => response, (error) => {
            if (error.response.status === 401) {
                window.location = '/logout'; // Or whatever you want to do
            return Promise.reject(error);
        return instance;
    export function* getUsers(user) {
        return yield getClient('JTW_TOKEN').get('/getUsers/:id').then(data => data).catch(e => e)

    Personally I prefer to have separate method for get/post/delete/put/patch etc but its not must by any means.