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Setting VideoJS Source via Javascript

I'm trying to set the source and type for Video.js dynamically via a JSON object that is retrieved from a remote method call.

radioPlayer = videojs("RadioPlayer");

function RadioListPage() {
  $.getJSON(serviceURL + 'rbApp.cfc?method=Radio', function(data) {
    $.each(data.DATA, function(index, itemData) {
      $('#radioList').append('<div class="play" data-type="' + itemData[4] + '" data-src="' + itemData[3] + '" data-station="' + itemData[1] + '" data-id="' + itemData[0] + '"><img src="' + itemData[2] + '"></div>');
      lastIDNumberVideo = itemData[0];

    $('#radioList .play').click(function() {
      var stationObject = new Object();
      stationObject.src = $(this).data("src");
      stationObject.type = $(this).data("type");
      var jsonStr = JSON.stringify(stationObject);

    loading('hide', 100);

VideoJS will throw an error that the stream isn't valid. However, if I take that jsonStr variable and hard code that value like this radioPlayer.src({"src":"","type":"audio/mpeg"}) it plays with no issue. What am I missing here? Is this not possible to do?


  • The example code you show provides a JS object to the src() method, yet you're providing JSON. Try providing the object directly to the method.

    Also note that I'd suggest you use a delegated event handler instead of binding events in the AJAX callback, which can lead to issues with duplicated events. Try this:

    radioPlayer = videojs("RadioPlayer");
    $('#radioList').on('click', '.play', function() {
        src: $(this).data("src"),
        type: $(this).data("type")
    function RadioListPage() {
      $.getJSON(serviceURL + 'rbApp.cfc?method=Radio', function(data) {
        let html = => `<div class="play" data-type="${item[4]}" data-src="${item[3]}" data-station="${item[1]}" data-id="${item[0]}"><img src="${item[2]}"></div>`);
        lastIDNumberVideo = data.DATA.slice(-1)[0];
        loading('hide', 100);