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How to optimize performance of Time-Trigger Azure Function in C#?

I have a time-triggered Azure Function that runs every SECOND. The function reads data from API Servers and stores it into ADLS. How can I optimize the performance of the function so that it can make more that 500 API calls and store per second data for each call in a SECOND.

        public static void Run([TimerTrigger("*/1 * * * * *")] TimerInfo myTimer, ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation($"C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}");

            log.LogInformation($"Execution starts at: {DateTime.Now.ToString("")}");

                var IDs = GetIDs(); //makes 1 API call to fetch list of IDs
                foreach(var i in IDs){
                   ReadAndWriteData(i); //reads data for each ID from API server and stores in ADLS
            catch (Exception e)
                log.LogError($"An exception has been raised : {e}");

            log.LogInformation($"C# Timer trigger function execution ended at: {DateTime.Now}");
        public static async Task<List<string>> GetIDs(){
          //List<string> idList = await Task.Run(()=> ReadIDs()); //makes 1 API call to fetch list of IDs
          //return idList;
       public static async Task ReadAndWriteData(String id){
           //var result = await Task.Run(()=> ReadData()); //reads data for each ID from API server
           // uploads data to ADLS 

What is the best possible way to get data accurately for all IDs per second? I have tried some parallel programming/ TPL methods but still it is giving expected accuracy if I use only one ID, not for all.


  • First of all, there can be many issues that are causing performance problems to you. You have to debug using Azure Service Profiler or any other tool and check which line of code is taking how much time.

    Some of the reasons can be:

    1. There is inefficient algorithm written for fetching IDs/ADLS operations.
    2. You have not added .ConfigureAwait(false) along with await.
    3. Automatic scaling is not enabled for Azure Functions and scaling is hampered due to insufficient manual scaling.
    4. You are using heavy Nuget packages which take a lot of time to create an instance of Azure Functions.
    5. You have not made ReadIDs and ReadData functions as asynchronous.