I have a problem with migration old code which used sun.net.*
and sun.net.www.protocol.file.FileURLConnection
Ant cannot build project on jdk 11 because FileURLConnection
is from version 8/9 internal class of base package. FileURLCOnnection was use to check instance of returned class so I will need good idea how I can replace this fragment without destroing logic (fragment belowe).
connection instanceof FileURLConnection
for (URL url = null; resources.hasMoreElements()
&& ((url = resources.nextElement()) != null); ) {
try {
connection = url.openConnection();
if (connection instanceof JarURLConnection) {
checkJarFile((JarURLConnection) connection, pckgname,
} else if (connection instanceof FileURLConnection) {
try {
new File(URLDecoder.decode(url.getPath(),
"UTF-8")), pckgname, classes);
} catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException(
+ " does not appear to be a valid package (Unsupported encoding)",
} else
throw new ClassNotFoundException(pckgname + " ("
+ url.getPath()
+ ") does not appear to be a valid package");
} catch (final IOException ioex) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException(
"IOException was thrown when trying to get all resources for "
+ pckgname, ioex);
You should be able to replace:
connection instanceof FileURLConnection