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Ansible : How to split json data with some seperator in json_query

Im making some ansible playbook to output json data.

I got json data through uri module. I saved the data as a variable and even managed to extract the desired array with json_query.

- name: get lti id
  hosts: web
  become: yes

  - name : "get lti"

  - name : "print returned json"
            var: data.json

  - name : "write var to file"
            content: " {{ data.json | json_query('[*].{id:id, url:url}') | to_nice_json }}"
            dest: "/data/test.json"

and my result json file is below one.

        "id": 7,
        "url": ""
        "id": 8,
        "url": ""
        "id": 10,
        "url": ""

But I'd like to additionally extract only the last part of the url here. ex) red, blue

so I tried to change my playbook like this

- name: get lti id
  hosts: web
  become: yes



  - name : "print returned json"
            var: data.json

  - name : "write var to file"
            content: " {{ data.json | json_query('[*].{id:id, url:url}')| url.split('/')[-1] | to_nice_json }}"
            dest: "/data/test.json"

but this makes fatal error

TASK [write var to file] ******************************************************************************************************** fatal: [lms-web-template]: FAILED! => {"msg": "template error while templating string: expected token 'end of print statement', got '['. String: {{ data.json | json_query('[*].{id:id, url:url}') | url.split('/')[-1] | to_nice_json }}"}

I want to get the result like below.

        "id": 7,
        "url": "red"
        "id": 8,
        "url": "blue"
        "id": 10,
        "url": "yellow"

I need your help... Thank you :)


  • Modify the list in a standalone task. For example

        - set_fact:
            content2: "{{ content2|default([]) + [item|combine({'url':url})] }}" 
          loop: "{{ content }}"
            url: "{{ item.url.split('/')|last }}"
        - copy:
            content: "{{ content2|to_nice_json }}"
            dest: data.json


    shell> cat data.json 
            "id": "7,",
            "url": "red"
            "id": "8,",
            "url": "blue"
            "id": "10,",
            "url": "yellow"

    The next option is the modification of the data in Jinja. For example

        - copy:
            content: |
              {% for item in content %}
              - id: {{ }}
                url: {{ item.url.split('/')|last }}
              {% endfor %}
            dest: data.yml
        - debug:
            msg: "{{ lookup('file', 'data.yml')|from_yaml|to_nice_json }}"


                "id": "7,",
                "url": "red"
                "id": "8,",
                "url": "blue"
                "id": "10,",
                "url": "yellow"