With the SCA (https://stripe.com/docs/strong-customer-authentication), I have to update my payment routine that was using the Charge API : https://stripe.com/docs/payments/charges-api
From the documentation, i understood that my options are Payment intent : https://stripe.com/docs/payments/payment-intents and Setup Intent : https://stripe.com/docs/payments/save-and-reuse
In order to communicate between my front End and my Backend, I use stripe.js Element. The problem is that, in order to reach the PaymentIntent API, i need https, and Cordova is not https but only http from what i understood as specified in the Stripe documentation :
A Stripe Element contains an iframe that securely sends the payment information to Stripe over an HTTPS connection. The checkout page address must also start with https:// rather than http:// for your integration to work.
You can test your integration without using HTTPS. Enable it when you’re ready to accept live payments.
I would like to know how i could handle the Stripe PaymentIntent API with stripe.js Element on my Ionic Cordova application. If anyone got an idea it would be an amazing help !
You need to switch to using Payment Intents here. Those API calls have to be made server-side, and your client-side Elements/Javascript calls can remain nearly same.