I ve an array which looks like this :
let arr = ['11','44','66','88','77','00','66','11','66']
as visible , inside this array , there were those duplicated elements :
I want to iterate over my array , so that , i find the duplicated elements ; and replace them from the second occurence with a string indicating the first occurrence index
my resulting array would like this :
let newarr = ['11','44','66','88','77','00','appears at 2','appears at 0','appears at 2']
as you can this the duplications are replaced with a string like this :
"appears at n" where "n" is the index of the first occurence
Try this:
const appearances = {}
const arr = ['11','44','66','88','77','00','66','11','66']
const newarr = arr.map((item, index) => {
if (appearances[item] !== undefined) return `appears at ${appearances[item]}`
else {
appearances[item] = index
return item
console.log("new arr: ", newarr)