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Cannot find ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

I upgraded my test dependencies for my play project and now I get this problem:

object scalacheck is not a member of package org.scalatestplus
[error] import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

These are my test dependencies:

"org.scalatest"              %% "scalatest"                 % "3.2.3"          % Test,
"org.scalamock"              %% "scalamock"                 % "4.2.0"          % "test",
"com.github.alexarchambault" %% "scalacheck-shapeless_1.14" % "1.2.1"          % "test",
""     %% "scalatestplus-play"        % "3.1.2"          % "test, it",

Do I have some incompatible versioning going on here?


  • You don't have the right dependency:

    "org.scalatestplus" %% "scalacheck-1-15" % ""

    Since you are using scalatest version 3.2.3, you should use scalacheck version 3.2.3.X, for compatability.

    Here is its maven location, and this is its github repo.