I would like to determine mongodb collection size in my java spring application. I know that reactive rective Mongo Template has a count()
method what does that, however it needs a query param.
So my solution is:
public Mono<Long> collectionSize(){
Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("_id").exists(true);
return this.reactiveMongoTemplate.count(Query.query(criteria),MY_COLLECTION_NAME);
However I dont like this solution, because I have to use a captain obvious criteria.
Is there any better solution for this problem?
has an empty constructor.
public Mono<Long> collectionSize(){
Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
return this.reactiveMongoTemplate.count(Query.query(criteria),MY_COLLECTION_NAME);
And all of the variants of count requires a query param as documented here
Query doesn't need criteria, you can just supply the query param. Reference
public Mono<Long> collectionSize(){
return this.reactiveMongoTemplate.count(new Query(),MY_COLLECTION_NAME);