I have an ag-grid with row dragging enabled. I need the user to be able to drag and drop all rows except for the first row. The first row must remain in place at index 0. The issue I am seeing is that, while my code below works just fine to disable dragging the row at index 0, users can still drop other rows into index 0. I want to prevent this.
Here is a simplified version of my component:
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { AgGridReact } from 'ag-grid-react';
const AgGrid = () => {
const [gridApi, setGridApi] = useState(null)
const [rowData, setRowData] = useState([
{Name: "name1", Type: "type1", Draggable: false},
{Name: "name2", Type: "type2", Draggable: true},
{Name: "name3", Type: "type", Draggable: true}
const columnDefs= [
field: 'Name',
rowDrag: ({data}) => data.Draggable
field: 'Type'
return (
<div className="ag-theme-alpine">
onGridReady{(params) => setGridApi(params.api)}
I hoped there would be a rowDrop prop or some mechanism by which to keep a row in place, but I can not seem to find it if something like that exists.
I tried unmanaged dragging, but found myself writing a ton of logic just to keep that single row in place. If there was a simple onRowDragStarted
and onRowDragEnded
event, it would certainly be simpler to implement. I ran into a lot of issues because of the behavior described on their website, and quoted below:
"If the drag is finished outside of the grid, then the rowDragLeave
is the last event fired and no rowDragEnd
is fired".
Any help would be tremendously appreciated!
Use the rowDragMove
event and don't let the row at index 0 move at all, and don't allow any row to move to index 0.
While using unmanaged row dragging, set the rowDragMove
event to:
onRowDragMove = (event) => {
if (event.node.id === 0)
var movingNode = event.node;
var overNode = event.overNode;
var rowNeedsToMove = movingNode !== overNode;
if (rowNeedsToMove) {
var movingData = movingNode.data;
var overData = overNode.data;
var fromIndex = immutableStore.indexOf(movingData);
var toIndex = immutableStore.indexOf(overData);
var newStore = immutableStore.slice();
moveInArray(newStore, fromIndex, toIndex);
immutableStore = newStore;
function moveInArray(arr, fromIndex, toIndex) {
if (toIndex === 0)
toIndex = 1;
var element = arr[fromIndex];
arr.splice(fromIndex, 1);
arr.splice(toIndex, 0, element);