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VBA - Copy/paste 2 blocks of rows if condition to one row is met

good morning!

I'm trying to:

1 - Loop all my sheets, starting from the 2nd sheet (until here it's working);

2 - Find Max, Min Value and Interval (Max-Min Value/4), assign to cells, and define 3 more intervals iQ1, iQ2 and iQ3. This way I goot all the intervals I need to build 4 quantiles (until here it's working too);

3 - Now, in each sheet and in the same loop, I need to search in column F for all the values of the column that are <= iQ1 (and creater other conditions for other intervals (iQs)). If those values in the loop are <=Q1, for instance, I need to copy and paste all of them and their quantity (Column G) in the columns J2:J (for interest) and K2:K (for quantity). I create a picture to explain better.

I need this because I'll need to calculate the median of each quantile after.

I tried the first loop only for the column F to try, but it failed this and other things that I tried. Could you help me with item 3, please?

Thanks and have a great day!

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Dim x As Long, Interval As Double, MaxValue As Double, MinValue As Double, iQ1 As Double, iQ2 As Double, iQ3 As Double, rw2 As Object

For x = 2 To Sheets.Count
    Dim c As Range
    Set c = Range("F2:F" & Rows.Count)
        MaxValue = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(c)
        MinValue = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(c)
        Interval = (MaxValue - MinValue) / 4
        Sheets(x).Range("I2").Value = Interval
        Sheets(x).Range("P2").Value = MaxValue
        Sheets(x).Range("O2").Value = MinValue
        iQ1 = MinValue + Interval
        iQ2 = iQ1 + Interval
        iQ3 = iQ2 + Interval
        For Each rw2 In Sheets(x).Range(c) 'Here is the loop that I'm stucked
            If rw2.Cells(6).Value <= iQ1 Then 'Here is the condition blue for F, it's in the picture 
                With Sheets(x)
                .Cells(.Rows.Count, "J2:J").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
                End With
            End If
        Next rw2

Next x

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

enter image description here


  • You had nearly the correct structure, and hopefully the points below will help you keep things straight.

    First, you can loop through all the sheets in your workbook a bit simpler with the sample here, including skipping a particular sheet if you need to:

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
        If Not ws.Name = "SKIP THIS SHEET" Then
            With ws
            End With
        End If
    Next ws

    Using a loop like this, you can be assured that ws as always the worksheet that is operated on. Notice the With statement here and always make sure to preface your references to Range or Cells with the dot . to make sure it's working on that ws worksheet.

    Next, it's good practice to declare your variables closer to the point where they are first used and to put each variable on its own line. This can be a personal preference of course, but it's currently the most common habit.

    Where your inner loop is not working is how you're referencing the different data. In my example below, each of the Quartil ranges is defined clearly. Also, I'm using more descriptive variable names to indicate what data I'm currently working on. Finally, it was easier to break out a separate routine to append the interest data in a particular quartil, in order to show how common code sections can be isolated in a function/sub.

    Option Explicit
    Sub test()
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
            If Not (ws.Name = "SKIP THIS SHEET") Then
                With ws
                    Dim interestData As Range
                    Dim lastRow As Long
                    lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row
                    Set interestData = .Range("F2:F" & lastRow)
                    Dim Interval As Double
                    Dim MaxValue As Double
                    Dim MinValue As Double
                    Dim iQ1 As Double
                    Dim iQ2 As Double
                    Dim iQ3 As Double
                    MaxValue = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(interestData)
                    MinValue = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(interestData)
                    Interval = (MaxValue - MinValue) / 4
                    .Range("I2").Value = Interval
                    .Range("R2").Value = MaxValue
                    .Range("S2").Value = MinValue
                    iQ1 = MinValue + Interval
                    iQ2 = iQ1 + Interval
                    iQ3 = iQ2 + Interval
                    Debug.Print "Quartil 1: <= " & Format(iQ1, "000.000")
                    Debug.Print "Quartil 2:  > " & Format(iQ1, "000.000") & ", <= " & Format(iQ2, "000.000")
                    Debug.Print "Quartil 3:  > " & Format(iQ2, "000.000") & ", <= " & Format(iQ3, "000.000")
                    Debug.Print "Quartil 4: => " & Format(iQ3, "000.000")
                    Dim q1 As Range
                    Dim q2 As Range
                    Dim q3 As Range
                    Dim q4 As Range
                    Set q1 = .Range("J2")
                    Set q2 = .Range("L2")
                    Set q3 = .Range("N2")
                    Set q4 = .Range("P2")
                    Dim interestValues As Variant
                    For Each interestValues In interestData
                        If (interestValues.Value <= iQ1) Then
                            AppendInterest q1, interestValues
                        ElseIf (interestValues.Value > iQ1) And (interestValues.Value <= iQ2) Then
                            AppendInterest q2, interestValues
                        ElseIf (interestValues.Value > iQ2) And (interestValues.Value <= iQ3) Then
                            AppendInterest q3, interestValues
                        Else    'interestValues > iQ3
                            AppendInterest q4, interestValues
                        End If
                    Next interestValues
                End With
            End If
        Next ws
    End Sub
    Private Sub AppendInterest(ByRef quartil As Range, _
                               ByVal interest As Range)
        '--- copies the data in to the first empty row of the
        '    quartil group
        Dim lastRow As Long
        With quartil.Parent  'this is the worksheet
            lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, quartil.Column).End(xlUp).Row
            quartil.Cells(lastRow, 1).Value = interest.Cells(1, 1).Value  'interest
            quartil.Cells(lastRow, 2).Value = interest.Cells(1, 2).Value  'qty
        End With
    End Sub