I am trying to find a way to sort of inline a binary trie in some sense. Basically, a binary trie has a node for every slot in a binary number, branching left on 0 and right on 1. How would you structure this so you could read 4 bits at a time rather than 1? It seems this would be possible by having 16 slots in each trie node, but I'm having a hard time visualizing how this would actually look; how you would read the binary input like 10101010
4-bits at a time using this sort of approach. What would it look like?
[ left , right , left, right , left, right ...]
(goto2) (goto5) (goto7) (goto8) (goto9), (goto10)
Or I don't know. What is an algorithm that would check the 4 bits against 16 slots in an array?
It seems that 4 bits can be represented in 16 slots, but I just don't see how an algorithm can figure out how to read these without manually visualizing every step in detail. There must be some equation or something.
What you describe is a radix trie base 16. By extracting 4 bits from your key, you get a number between 0 and 15 (inclusive). You can use that number to index into your node:
struct Node {
Node *children[16];
Value value;
Value *find(const char *key, int nkey, Node *node) {
int i = 0;
while(i < 2*nkey && node) {
int digit = (key[i/2] >> (i%2==0 ? 0 : 4)) & 0xf;
node = node->children[digit];
return node ? &node->value : 0;