I have a Rabbit MQ Micronaut Messaging-Driven application. The application only contains the Consumer side, Producer side is on another REST API application.
Now I want to perform JUnit 5 testing with the consumer side only. Trying to get the best idea to test the Messaging-Driven application that contains only the Rabbit MQ Listener
public record CategoryListener(IRepository repository) {
public CategoryViewModel Create(CategoryViewModel model) {
LOG.info(String.format("Listener --> Adding the product to the product collection"));
Category category = new Category(model.name(), model.description());
return Single.fromPublisher(this.repository.getCollection(ConstantValues.PRODUCT_CATEGORY_COLLECTION_NAME, Category.class)
return new CategoryViewModel(
After some research, I found that we can use Testcontainers
for integration testing, In my case, the Producer and receiver are on a different server. So do I need to create RabbitClient
for each RabbitListener
in the test environment or is there any way to mock RabbitClient
public class CategoryListenerTest {
private static final RabbitMQContainer RABBIT_MQ_CONTAINER = new RabbitMQContainer("rabbitmq")
.withExposedPorts(5672, 15672);
@DisplayName("Rabbit MQ container should be running")
void rabbitMqContainerShouldBeRunning() {
What is the best way to perform functional tests of Micronaut Messaging-Driven Application? In this question, I have a PRODUCER on another application. So I can't inject a PRODUCER client. How can I test this function on the LISTENER side?
Create producers with @RabbitClient
or use the java api directly