I have an object as below
@objcMembers class MyObject: Object {
dynamic var name: String = ""
dynamic var myArray = List<MyArray>()
class MyArray: Object {
@objc dynamic var number = 0
@objc dynamic var text = ""
How can I get number of occurrences of a keyword in text.
Suppose text contain sentences like
So if I search for This, I should get 3. If I search for beautiful, I should get 2
The first thing to do it to modify the code to make it more readable.
List properties are defined like this and I also changed the property name to better match what it is (not an array)
class MyObject: Object {
@objc dynamic var name: String = ""
let textList = List<TextClass>() //fixed definition
while we're at it, lets update the object stored in that list with a better fitting class name
class TextClass: Object {
@objc dynamic var number = 0
@objc dynamic var text = ""
And then here's the code to read in all of the MyObject objects, iterate over the textList property and count the total amount of occurrences of a given word.
let myObjectResults = realm.objects(MyObject.self)
let wordToFind = "This" //the word to find
for obj in myObjectResults {
var count = 0
let theList = obj.textList
for textObj in theList {
let wordCount = textObj.text.lowercased().components(separatedBy: wordToFind.lowercased()).count - 1
count += wordCount
print("object: \(obj.name) had: \(count) occuranced of string: \(wordToFind)")
and the results when searching for the word 'This'
object: some object had: 3 occurrences of string: This
When searching for the word Beautiful here's the output
object: some object had: 2 occurrences of string: Beautiful
The reason we're using iteration in the case is because we're actually performing a substring search of the realm property text
. While Realm filtering is great at returning Results objects where objects property(s) match a particular query, it's not great at internal string manipulation.
There may be an NSPredicate solution as well.