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Recursive Function to find regions in matrix

Given a NxN matrix (which contains Boolean values - true / false). We will define:

  • true region in an array as a maximum collection of adjacent cells that all have a true value.
  • Cells located diagonally to each other are not considered adjacent.

In this example, there are 3 true areas: True Regions

My Solution attemp in Java:

public static int (boolean[][] mat) {
        return GetTrueRegions(mat, 0, 0);
    public static int GetTrueRegions(boolean[][] m, int i , int j) {
        final boolean VISITED = false;
        if (i == m.length - 1 && j == m[0].length - 1)
            return 0;

        // avoid repeat a cell
        boolean temp = m[i][j];
        m[i][j] = VISITED;

        // recursion for all neighbors
        int up = -1, down = -1, left = -1, right = -1;
        if (i - 1 >= 0 && m[i-1][j] )
            up = GetTrueRegions(m, i - 1, j);
        if (i + 1 < m.length && m[i+1][j])
            down = GetTrueRegions(m, i + 1, j);
        if (j - 1 >= 0 && m[i][j-1])
            left = GetTrueRegions(m, i, j - 1);
        if (j + 1 < m[0].length && m[i][j+1] )
            right = GetTrueRegions(m, i, j + 1);
        // couldn't find a path
        if (temp) {
            return 1 + GetTrueRegions(m, i, j + 1);
        if (up == -1 && down == -1 && left == -1 && right == -1 )
            return GetTrueRegions(m, i, j +1);

        return up + down + left + right;

this obviously not working.

I was thinking about going through each cell, and if the cell has true value, adding 1 to the total regions(somehow), and put the value false to him and to each adjacent cell(mark the region as "visited").

though I find it hard for me to get the base cases, and how to get every region value.


  • try to look at something like that:

    public static int GetTrueRegions(boolean[][] mat)
        return GetTrueRegions(mat, 0, 0);
    private static int GetTrueRegions(boolean[][] m, int i, int j)
        if (j == m[0].length)
            return 0;       
        if (i == m.length)
            return GetTrueRegions(m, 0, j + 1);     
        // found a region 
        if (m[i][j])
            // mark the entire region, to avoid duplications
            markRegionAsFalse(m, i, j);
            // count 1 region and proceed
            return 1 + GetTrueRegions(m, i + 1, j);
        // proceed... 
        return GetTrueRegions(m, i + 1, j);
    private static void markRegionAsFalse(boolean[][] matrix, int row, int col)
        // just visited...
        matrix[row][col] = false;
        if(row - 1 >= 0 && matrix[row - 1][col]) // move up and mark cell if true
            markRegionAsFalse(matrix, row - 1, col);
        if (row < matrix.length - 1 && matrix[row + 1][col]) // move down and mark cell if true
            markRegionAsFalse(matrix, row + 1, col);
        if (col < matrix.length - 1 && matrix[row][col + 1]) // move right and mark cell if true
            markRegionAsFalse(matrix, row, col + 1);
        if(col - 1 >= 0 && matrix[row][col - 1]) // move left and mark cell if true
            markRegionAsFalse(matrix, row, col - 1);            