I have a twig form where a select dropdown is populated with a variable from PHP. If the form throws an error, I need to capture the selected option and have it reselected again automatically. I can do this successfully with a normal input box through a PHP function like this:
<label for="fname">First Name *</label>
<input type="text" name="fname" id="fname" value="{{ populate.fname }}" required>
{% if error.fname %}
<label id="fname-data-error" class="error" for="fname">There is an error.</label>
{% endif %}
How do I reselect the already captured selected data while keeping the other options available? I tried...
{% if error.car_models == true %}
<option value="{{ populate.car_models }}" selected>{{car_model.name}}</option>
{% else %}
<option value="{{car_model.name}}">{{car_model.name}}</option>
{% endif %}
but that does not work. Here is my current twig code:
<label for="car_models">Car Models</label>
<select name="car_models" id="car_models">
{% for car_model in car_models.car_models %}
<option value="{{car_model.name}}">{{car_model.name}}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% if error.car_models %}
<label id="car-model-error" class="error" for="car_models">There is an error.</label>
{% endif %}
I'm assuming error.car_models
is a boolean and populate.car_models
is a string.
{% for car_model in car_models.car_models %}
{% with %}
{% set selected = error.car_models and populate.car_models is same as(car_model.name) %}
<option value="{{car_model.name}}"{% if selected %} selected{% endif %}>{{car_model.name}}</option>
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}