Search code examples

update the quantity without creating a new row with angular as simply as possible

I try to do a shopping cart each time I add the same item it creates a new line for me, I would like to update the Quantity, do I have to make a loop that goes through an array?


  productList = [
    { id: 1, name: 'Louis Vuis', price: 10, qtn: 1 },
    { id: 2, name: 'shubert helmet', price: 20, qtn: 1 },

  productArray: any = [];

  add(product) {

  inc(added) {
    added.qtn = added.qtn + 1;

  dec(added) {
    if (added.qtn != 1)
      added.qtn -= 1;

  remove(id) {
    this.productArray.splice(id, 1);


        <div class="card" *ngFor="let product of productList">
            <p class="price">{{product.price | currency: 'USD'}}</p>
            <p><button (click)="add(product)">Add to Cart</button></p>

                <tbody *ngFor="let added of productArray">
                        <td>{{added.price | currency: 'USD'}}</td>
                        <td class="increment">
                            <button (click)="dec(added)">-</button>
                            <button (click)="inc(added)">+</button>
                        <td (click)="remove()"><strong class="remove">X</strong></td>


  • You can change your add(product) to:

      add(product, idx) {
        const found = this.productArray.find(
          item => JSON.stringify(item) === JSON.stringify(product)
        if (found) {
        } else {

    Here it will search for a similar product (I dont know which was the unicity criteria, so I compared the whole object with the whole new added one), If it's found, it would update the quantity, else it push a new product.

    And the HTML part:

    <div class="card" *ngFor="let product of productList; let idx = index"> // <-- here
        <p class="price">{{product.price | currency: 'USD'}}</p>
        <p><button (click)="add(product, idx)">Add to Cart</button></p> // <-- & here 
