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Convert CSV to UTF-8

How can I convert CSV to UTF-8?

I have a code that accept file, then it will convert to JSON. The thing is, I need to manually convert the CSV file to UTF-8 first in order to convert it into JSON. I'm using a Japanese characters for the regex.

  const Upload = () => {
    var fileUpload = document.getElementById('fileUpload')
    var summary = document.getElementById('summary')
    var json = document.getElementById('json')
    if (typeof FileReader !== 'undefined') {
      var reader = new FileReader()
      summary.innerHTML = ''
      json.innerHTML = ''
      reader.onload = function (e) {

  const generateData = (res) => {
    var addressList = []
    var regex = //
    var results = res.split('\n')
    for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
      var address = results[i].replace(/"/g, '').split(',')
      if (address.length >= 8) {
        addressList.push(address[6] + address[7] + address[8])
    const result = addressList.reduce((accumulatedData, data) => {
      const isValid = regex.test(data)
      accumulatedData[data] = isValid
      return accumulatedData
    }, {})
    var summary = document.getElementById('summary')
    summary.innerHTML = `<label><b>Summary (valid):</b></label> ${
      Object.values(result).filter((d) => d).length
    } / ${Object.keys(result).length}`
    setAddressTestCase(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4))


  • CSV is a data format and UTF-8 is a character encoding.

    So, you just need read the file in a correct way.

    I found this in Mozilla:

    You can set encoding as below:

        reader.readAsText(fileUpload.files[0], 'UTF-8')