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Multiple drag & drop and upload files store in the selected folder

I have created a drag and drop upload file in the selected folder. I have a problem saving multiple files in the selected folder.

Now my working result can drag and drop 1 file to save in the selected folder, but multiple select files cannot work and cannot upload files at the same time. This is my working frontend in jsfiddle

My backend save file to the selected folder code:

$target_path = "C:/xampp/htdocs/drag_drop/";  
$target_path = $target_path.basename( $_FILES['fileToUpload']['name']);   
  echo $target_path; 
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['fileToUpload']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {  
    echo "File uploaded successfully!";  
} else{  
    echo "Sorry, file not uploaded, please try again!";  

Below is my result:


Actually, I want the result can drag multiple files at the same time upload in the selected folder when I have clicked the Upload File button, like the below picture:


Hope someone can guide me on how to solve it. Thanks.


  • Requested BY OP, example source code as following:


        <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Multiple File Upload using Ajax, Jquery and PHP</title>
        <link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen">
            <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
        <script src="js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script src="js/bootstrap.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" language="javascript""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" language="javascript" src="js/DT_bootstrap.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery_1.5.2.js"></script>
    function vpb_multiple_file_uploader(vpb_configuration_settings)
        this.vpb_settings = vpb_configuration_settings;
        this.vpb_files = "";
        this.vpb_browsed_files = []
        var self = this;
        var vpb_msg = "Sorry, your browser does not support this application. Thank You!";
        //Get all browsed file extensions
        function vpb_file_ext(file) {
            return (/[.]/.exec(file)) ? /[^.]+$/.exec(file.toLowerCase()) : '';
        /* Display added files which are ready for upload */
        //with their file types, names, size, date last modified along with an option to remove an unwanted file
        vpb_multiple_file_uploader.prototype.vpb_show_added_files = function(vpb_value)
            this.vpb_files = vpb_value;
            if(this.vpb_files.length > 0)
                var vpb_added_files_displayer = vpb_file_id = "";
                for(var i = 0; i<this.vpb_files.length; i++)
                    //Use the names of the files without their extensions as their ids
                    var files_name_without_extensions = this.vpb_files[i].name.substr(0, this.vpb_files[i].name.lastIndexOf('.')) || this.vpb_files[i].name;
                    vpb_file_id = files_name_without_extensions.replace(/[^a-z0-9\s]/gi, '').replace(/[_\s]/g, '');
                    var vpb_file_to_add = vpb_file_ext(this.vpb_files[i].name);
                    var vpb_class = $("#added_class").val();
                    var vpb_file_icon;
                    //Check and display File Size
                    var vpb_fileSize = (this.vpb_files[i].size / 1024);
                    if (vpb_fileSize / 1024 > 1)
                        if (((vpb_fileSize / 1024) / 1024) > 1)
                            vpb_fileSize = (Math.round(((vpb_fileSize / 1024) / 1024) * 100) / 100);
                            var vpb_actual_fileSize = vpb_fileSize + " GB";
                            vpb_fileSize = (Math.round((vpb_fileSize / 1024) * 100) / 100)
                            var vpb_actual_fileSize = vpb_fileSize + " MB";
                        vpb_fileSize = (Math.round(vpb_fileSize * 100) / 100)
                        var vpb_actual_fileSize = vpb_fileSize  + " KB";
                    //Check and display the date that files were last modified
                    var vpb_date_last_modified = new Date(this.vpb_files[i].lastModifiedDate);
                    var dd = vpb_date_last_modified.getDate();
                    var mm = vpb_date_last_modified.getMonth() + 1;
                    var yyyy = vpb_date_last_modified.getFullYear();
                    var vpb_date_last_modified_file = dd + '/' + mm + '/' + yyyy;
                    //File Display Classes
                    if( vpb_class == 'vpb_blue' ) { 
                        var new_classc = 'vpb_white';
                    } else {
                        var new_classc = 'vpb_blue';
                    if(typeof this.vpb_files[i] != undefined && this.vpb_files[i].name != "")
                        //Check for the type of file browsed so as to represent each file with the appropriate file icon
                        if( vpb_file_to_add == "jpg" || vpb_file_to_add == "JPG" || vpb_file_to_add == "jpeg" || vpb_file_to_add == "JPEG" || vpb_file_to_add == "gif" || vpb_file_to_add == "GIF" || vpb_file_to_add == "png" || vpb_file_to_add == "PNG" ) 
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/images_file.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "doc" || vpb_file_to_add == "docx" || vpb_file_to_add == "rtf" || vpb_file_to_add == "DOC" || vpb_file_to_add == "DOCX" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/doc.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "pdf" || vpb_file_to_add == "PDF" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/pdf.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "txt" || vpb_file_to_add == "TXT" || vpb_file_to_add == "RTF" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/txt.png" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "php" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/php.png" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "css" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/general.png" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "js" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/general.png" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "html" || vpb_file_to_add == "HTML" || vpb_file_to_add == "htm" || vpb_file_to_add == "HTM" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/html.png" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "setup" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/setup.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "video" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/video.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "real" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/real.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "psd" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/psd.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "fla" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/fla.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "xls" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/xls.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "swf" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/swf.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "eps" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/eps.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "exe" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/exe.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "binary" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/binary.png" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        else if( vpb_file_to_add == "zip" )
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/archive.png" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                            vpb_file_icon = '<img src="images/general.png" align="absmiddle" border="0" alt="" />';
                        //Assign browsed files to a variable so as to later display them below
                        vpb_added_files_displayer += '<tr id="add_fileID'+vpb_file_id+'" class="'+new_classc+'"><td>'+vpb_file_icon+' '+this.vpb_files[i].name.substring(0, 40)+'</td><td><span id="uploading_'+vpb_file_id+'"><span style=color:blue;>Ready</span></span></td><td>'+vpb_actual_fileSize+'</td><td><span id="remove'+vpb_file_id+'"><span class="vpb_files_remove_left_inner" onclick="vpb_remove_this_file(\''+vpb_file_id+'\',\''+this.vpb_files[i].name+'\');">Remove</span></span></td></tr></div>';
                //Display browsed files on the screen to the user who wants to upload them
        //File Reader
        vpb_multiple_file_uploader.prototype.vpb_read_file = function(vpb_e) {
            if( {
            } else {
                alert('Sorry, a file you have specified could not be read at the moment. Thank You!');
        function addEvent(type, el, fn){
        if (window.addEventListener){
            el.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
        } else if (window.attachEvent){
            var f = function(){
    , window.event);
            el.attachEvent('on' + type, f)
        //Get the ids of all added files and also start the upload when called
        vpb_multiple_file_uploader.prototype.vpb_starter = function() {
            if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob) {       
                 var vpb_browsed_file_ids = $("#"+this.vpb_settings.vpb_form_id).find("input[type='file']").eq(0).attr("id");
                 document.getElementById(vpb_browsed_file_ids).addEventListener("change", this.vpb_read_file, false);
                 document.getElementById(this.vpb_settings.vpb_form_id).addEventListener("submit", this.vpb_submit_added_files, true);
            else { alert(vpb_msg); }
        //Call the uploading function when click on the upload button
        vpb_multiple_file_uploader.prototype.vpb_submit_added_files = function(){ self.vpb_upload_bgin(); }
        //Start uploads
        vpb_multiple_file_uploader.prototype.vpb_upload_bgin = function() {
            if(this.vpb_browsed_files.length > 0) {
                for(var k=0; k<this.vpb_browsed_files.length; k++){
                    var file = this.vpb_browsed_files[k];
        //Main file uploader
        vpb_multiple_file_uploader.prototype.vasPLUS = function(file,file_counter)
            if(typeof file[file_counter] != undefined && file[file_counter] != '')
                //Use the file names without their extensions as their ids
                var files_name_without_extensions = file[file_counter].name.substr(0, file[file_counter].name.lastIndexOf('.')) || file[file_counter].name;
                var ids = files_name_without_extensions.replace(/[^a-z0-9\s]/gi, '').replace(/[_\s]/g, '');
                var vpb_browsed_file_ids = $("#"+this.vpb_settings.vpb_form_id).find("input[type='file']").eq(0).attr("id");
                var removed_file = $("#"+ids).val();
                if ( removed_file != "" && removed_file != undefined && removed_file == ids )
                    var dataString = new FormData();
                        cache: false,
                        contentType: false,
                        processData: false,
                        beforeSend: function() 
                            $("#uploading_"+ids).html('<div align="left"><img src="images/loadings.gif" width="80" align="absmiddle" title="Upload...."/></div>');
                            $("#remove"+ids).html('<div align="center" style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;font-size:11px;color:blue;">Uploading...</div>');
                            setTimeout(function() {
                                var response_brought = response.indexOf(ids);
                                if ( response_brought != -1) {
                                    $("#uploading_"+ids).html('<div align="left" style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;font-size:11px;color:blue;">Completed</div>');
                                    $("#remove"+ids).html('<div align="center" style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;font-size:11px;color:gray;">Uploaded</div>');
                                } else {
                                    var fileType_response_brought = response.indexOf('file_type_error');
                                    if ( fileType_response_brought != -1) {
                                        var filenamewithoutextension = response.replace('file_type_error&', '').substr(0, response.replace('file_type_error&', '').lastIndexOf('.')) || response.replace('file_type_error&', '');
                                        var fileID = filenamewithoutextension.replace(/[^a-z0-9\s]/gi, '').replace(/[_\s]/g, '');
                                        $("#uploading_"+fileID).html('<div align="left" style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;font-size:11px;color:red;">Invalid File</div>');
                                        $("#remove"+fileID).html('<div align="center" style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;font-size:11px;color:orange;">Cancelled</div>');
                                    } else {
                                        var filesize_response_brought = response.indexOf('file_size_error');
                                        if ( filesize_response_brought != -1) {
                                            var filenamewithoutextensions = response.replace('file_size_error&', '').substr(0, response.replace('file_size_error&', '').lastIndexOf('.')) || response.replace('file_size_error&', '');
                                            var fileID = filenamewithoutextensions.replace(/[^a-z0-9\s]/gi, '').replace(/[_\s]/g, '');
                                            $("#uploading_"+fileID).html('<div align="left" style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;font-size:11px;color:red;">Exceeded Size</div>');
                                            $("#remove"+fileID).html('<div align="center" style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;font-size:11px;color:orange;">Cancelled</div>');
                                        } else {
                                            var general_response_brought = response.indexOf('general_system_error');
                                            if ( general_response_brought != -1) {
                                                alert('Sorry, the file was not uploaded...');
                                            else { /* Do nothing */}
                                if (file_counter+1 < file.length ) {
                                else {}
            else { alert('Sorry, this system could not verify the identity of the file you were trying to upload at the moment. Thank You!'); }
    function vpb_remove_this_file(id, filename)
        if(confirm('If you are sure to remove the file: '+filename+' then click on OK otherwise, Cancel it.'))
            $("#vpb_removed_files").append('<input type="hidden" id="'+id+'" value="'+id+'">');
        return false;
        <script type="text/javascript">
        // Call the main function
        new vpb_multiple_file_uploader
            vpb_form_id: "form_id", // Form ID
            autoSubmit: true,
            vpb_server_url: "upload.php" 
    body {
        font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; 
    <h2 style="color:blue; text-align:center;">Multiple Files Upload</h2>
    <form name="form_id" id="form_id" action="javascript:void(0);" enctype="multipart/form-data" style="width:800px; margin-top:20px;">  
        <input type="file" name="vasplus_multiple_files" id="vasplus_multiple_files" multiple="multiple" style="padding:5px;"/>      
        <input type="submit" value="Upload" style="padding:5px;"/>
    <table class="table table-striped table-bordered" style="width:60%;" id="add_files">
                <th style="color:blue; text-align:center;">File Name</th>
                <th style="color:blue; text-align:center;">Status</th>
                <th style="color:blue; text-align:center;">File Size</th>
                <th style="color:blue; text-align:center;">Action</th>

    Make another file called upload.php:

    if(isset($_POST) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST")
        $vpb_file_name = strip_tags($_FILES['upload_file']['name']); //File Name
        $vpb_file_id = strip_tags($_POST['upload_file_ids']); // File id is gotten from the file name
        $vpb_file_size = $_FILES['upload_file']['size']; // File Size
        $vpb_uploaded_files_location = 'uploads/'; //This is the directory where uploaded files are saved on your server
        $vpb_final_location = $vpb_uploaded_files_location . $vpb_file_name; //Directory to save file plus the file to be saved
        //Without Validation and does not save filenames in the database
        if(move_uploaded_file(strip_tags($_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name']), $vpb_final_location))
            //Display the file id
            echo $vpb_file_id;
            //Display general system error
            echo 'general_system_error';

    Create an empty folder called uploads. Make sure you ad your dependencies like jquery.js and such, the required dependencies are on the header which will return a 404 as I've not included cdn.