Edit: As per the answer below, the answer is YES, it can
I tried looking through the docs but didn't find any reference to this
I tried building but there always is an error whenever the return value or a param in a native interface is NSData
Is it not supported? Thx
For example, the following interfaces blow:
- (NSData*)someMethod{
- (void)someMethod:(NSData*)param{
The server error file never mentions any specific error when an error occurs in a native interface class so I am asking here for clarity/reference
I'm not sure about the return value but the parameter should work and is documented in Listing 22. NativeInterface definition
in the developer guide as:
public void test(byte b, boolean boo, char c, short s,
int i, long l, float f, double d, String ss,
byte[] ba, boolean[] booa, char[] ca, short[] sa, int[] ia,
long[] la, float[] fa, double[] da,
PeerComponent cmp);
Which generates:
-(void)test:(char)param param1:(BOOL)param1
param2:(int)param2 param3:(short)param3 param4:(int)param4
param5:(long long)param5 param6:(float)param6
param7:(double)param7 param8:(NSString*)param8
param9:(NSData*)param9 param10:(NSData*)param10
param11:(NSData*)param11 param12:(NSData*)param12
param13:(NSData*)param13 param14:(NSData*)param14
param15:(NSData*)param15 param16:(NSData*)param16
If you're getting an error we'll need the link for the full error log as well as the applicable native interface code.