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Return Excel VBA Macro OneDrive Local Path - Possible Lead

I have a spreadsheet that many people need to access (on sharepoint), for a few reasons, we need to do this locally (synced).

however, there are constantly problems and errors arising due to knowledge levels of each user, the spreadsheet needs to have structure and consistency, so in order to achieve that, i have created a userform with a suite of parameters to help people enter accurate data and avoid errors.

it is a tender register, used to enter client, client contact and tender information, which generates a quote number, folder and file name etc.

prior to OneDrive/Sharepoint path change (previously the file path would be local, now it is a sharepoint URL) i had a macro that would run when a user clicked a button, that would create an appropriately named folder in the relevant local sharepoint directory, create a standard set of folders within that folder (Client Documents, Contract, Product Files, Drawings etc.) then open a Tender Form and save it in the created folder. the filename (the quote number) was used to lookup a query from the Tender register to return all the client/contact/quote information.

since sharepoint has changed it's path protocol from local to URL, i can't get this to work, resulting in a manual process, therefore, resulting in errors and inconsitencies.

i have searched high and low for ways to create folders and files on sharepoint using VBA, and also for ways to interact with the local path other than disabling "Use Office applications to sync Office files that I Open" (this function is required due to file collaboration.) I had one hope when i found a way to convert a URL to a Local path, however, this isn't the best solution as each user syncs folders at different levels (maybe there is a way someone could help me with determining the path, a macro to search in the OneDrive directory for folder "2021 Tenders" and return the path... think this might be slow though)

however, i noticed if i goto File > Info, there is a button for "Open File Location" which takes me directly to the local path folder of the file, which tells me this information is somewhere in excel, there must be a way to retrieve it, i haven't seen reference to this in any of my searches, upon pointing it out, does anyone have any ideas on how or if this could work? i tried to record a macro, but it didn't register it at all.

any help would be appreciated and thank you in advance.

File > Info - Screenshot enter image description here


  • This is something I assembled based on another answer (see comments inside the code).

    Code belongs to a series of classes I put together but in order to give you a complex simple answer, throw this in a module:

    Option Explicit
    Private Const ONEDRIVE_TENANTS_REGISTRY_FOLDER As String = "Software\Microsoft\OneDrive\Accounts\Business1\Tenants\"
    Private Const ONEDRIVE_TOTAL_VERSIONS As Long = 3
    Private Const ONEDRIVE_PATH_SLASHES As Long = 4
    Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
    Public Function GetLocalWorkbookName(ByVal fullName As String, Optional ByVal PathOnly As Boolean = False) As String
        ' Credits:
        'returns local wb path or empty string if local path not found
        Dim localFolders As Collection
        Dim localFolder As Variant
        Dim evalPath As String
        Dim result As String
        Dim isOneDrivePath As Boolean
        'Check if it looks like a OneDrive location
        isOneDrivePath = InStr(1, fullName, "https://", vbTextCompare) > 0
        If isOneDrivePath = False Then
            result = fullName
            Set localFolders = GetLocalFolders
            evalPath = RemoveTopFoldersByQty(fullName, ONEDRIVE_PATH_SLASHES)
            For Each localFolder In localFolders
                result = GetFilePathByRootFolder(localFolder, evalPath)
                If result <> vbNullString Then Exit For
            Next localFolder
        End If
        If PathOnly Then
            GetLocalWorkbookName = RemoveFileNameFromPath(result)
            GetLocalWorkbookName = result
        End If
    End Function
    Public Function GetLocalFolders() As Collection
        Dim tempCollection As Collection
        Dim tenantFolders As Variant
        Dim localFolders As Variant
        Dim tenantCounter As Long
        Set tempCollection = New Collection
        ' Look in onedrive for business tenant's folders
        tenantFolders = GetRegistrySubKeys(ONEDRIVE_TENANTS_REGISTRY_FOLDER)
        For tenantCounter = 0 To UBound(tenantFolders)
            localFolders = GetRegistryValues(ONEDRIVE_TENANTS_REGISTRY_FOLDER & "\" & tenantFolders(tenantCounter) & "\")
            AddArrayItemsToCollection tempCollection, localFolders
        Next tenantCounter
        ' Add the onedrive consumer folder
        tempCollection.Add Environ$("OneDriveConsumer")
        Set GetLocalFolders = tempCollection
    End Function
    Public Function RemoveTopFolderFromPath(ByVal ShortName As String) As String
        RemoveTopFolderFromPath = Mid$(ShortName, InStr(ShortName, "\") + 1)
    End Function
    Public Function RemoveTopFoldersByQty(ByVal FullPath As String, ByVal FolderQty As Long) As String
        Dim counter As Long
        Dim evalPath As String
        evalPath = Replace(FullPath, "/", "\")
        For counter = 1 To FolderQty
            evalPath = RemoveTopFolderFromPath(evalPath)
        Next counter
        RemoveTopFoldersByQty = evalPath
    End Function
    Public Function RemoveFileNameFromPath(ByVal ShortName As String) As String
        RemoveFileNameFromPath = Mid$(ShortName, 1, Len(ShortName) - InStr(StrReverse(ShortName), "\"))
    End Function
    Public Function GetFilePathByRootFolder(ByVal RootFolder As String, ByVal SearchPath As String) As String
        Dim result As String
        Dim evalPath As String
        Dim testFilePath As String
        Dim oneDrivePathFound As Boolean
        evalPath = IIf(InStr(SearchPath, "\") = 0, "\", vbNullString) & SearchPath
        Do While evalPath Like "*\*"
            testFilePath = RootFolder & IIf(Left$(evalPath, 1) <> "\", "\", vbNullString) & evalPath
            If Not (Dir(testFilePath)) = vbNullString Then
                oneDrivePathFound = True
                Exit Do
            End If
            'remove top folder in path
            evalPath = RemoveTopFolderFromPath(evalPath)
        If oneDrivePathFound = True Then
            result = testFilePath
            result = vbNullString
        End If
        GetFilePathByRootFolder = result
    End Function
    Public Function GetRegistrySubKeys(ByVal pathToFolder As String) As Variant
    ' Credits:
        Dim registryObject As Object
        Dim computerID As String
        Dim subkeys() As Variant
        'Dim key As Variant
        computerID = "."
        Set registryObject = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
        computerID & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
        registryObject.EnumKey HKEY_CURRENT_USER, pathToFolder, subkeys
        GetRegistrySubKeys = subkeys
        'For Each key In subKeys
        '    Debug.Print key
    End Function
    Public Function GetRegistryValues(ByVal pathToFolder As String) As Variant
    ' Credits:
        Dim registryObject As Object
        Dim computerID As String
        Dim values() As Variant
        Dim valuesTypes() As Variant
        'Dim value As Variant
        computerID = "."
        Set registryObject = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
        computerID & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
        registryObject.EnumValues HKEY_CURRENT_USER, pathToFolder, values, valuesTypes
        GetRegistryValues = values
        'For Each value In values
        '    Debug.Print value
    End Function
    Public Sub AddArrayItemsToCollection(ByVal evalCollection As Collection, ByVal evalArray As Variant)
        Dim item As Variant
        For Each item In evalArray
            evalCollection.Add item
        Next item
    End Sub

    And call it like this:

    ? GetLocalWorkbookName(ThisWorkbook.fullName, true)

    Hope it helps, let me know if it works