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Fetch not outputting all data from json into Google sheet

I am using fetch to output data from a json to a Google sheet which I got from here by @Tanaike and added to from here by @Rubén

function GETCONNECTIONS(url) {
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
  var responseText = response.getContentText();
  var responseJson = JSON.parse(responseText);
  var connectionKeys = Object.keys(responseJson.connections[0]);
  var data = => => {
      return e[f] instanceof Array ? e[f].join("|") : e[f];

Data comes from surveys, this is an example of a general issue with the output I have

The json looks like (A)

 "connections": [
      "Id": 1024034,
      "From": 4806,
      "To": 3817,
      "Name From": "Sian Young",
      "Name To": "Richard Iron Cloud",
      "Initial Date": "7/11/2017 20:32",
      "Last Date": "9/27/2017 17:38",
      "Type": "person-person",
      "Weight": 2,
      "Checkbox": ""

Later in the file (B)

      "Id": 1053141,
      "From": 28264,
      "To": 28267,
      "Name From": ". Arts & Science School",
      "Name To": ". Helpline Center",
      "Initial Date": "10/05/2019 19:56",
      "Last Date": "10/05/2019 19:56",
      "Type": "organization-organization",
      "Weight": 0,
      "Tell us about the relationship between your organization and this organization": [
        "We give funds to this organization",
        "We have the same parent organization"
      "Other options": ""

and later (C)

      "Id": 2000002,
      "From": 3824,
      "To": 28265,
      "Name From": "Adrienne Benjamin",
      "Name To": ". New Vision Foundation",
      "Initial Date": "6/28/2019 18:30",
      "Last Date": "6/28/2019 18:30",
      "Type": "person-organization",
      "Weight": 0,
      "Your personal connection to this organization": "I work there",
      "Your personal feelings about this organization": ""

Only the data common to the first section (A) is being outputted (showing just the headers of the output)

Id | From | To | Name From | Name To | Initial Date | Last Date | Type | Weight Checkbox

This from section (B) is not being outputted in data

"Tell us about the relationship between your organization and this organization": [
        "We give funds to this organization",
        "We have the same parent organization"

This from section (C) is not being outputted in data

"Your personal connection to this organization": "I work there",
      "Your personal feelings about this organization": ""

I need (showing just the headers)

Id | From | To | Name From | Name To | Type | Weight | Checkbox | Tell us about the relationship between your organization and this organization | Other options | Your personal connection to this organization | Your personal feelings about this organization | I currently have no role in this workstream, but I'm interested in learning more and potentially joining it | My role in relation to this Network | Other - Optional | ig_Initial Date | ig_Last Date


How to output ALL data from the json

Thank you


  • I did it a little differently but hopefully this will help you to visualize the data:

    function getDataFromJSON() {
      const url="";
      const jsn=UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
      const obj=JSON.parse(jsn);
      const keys=Object.keys(obj.connections[0]);
      //SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModelessDialog(HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(keys.join('<br />')), "Keys");
      var html=""; 
          html+=Utilities.formatString('<br />%s:%s',k,c[k] instanceof Array?c[k].join("|"):c[k]);
      SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModelessDialog(HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html), "Connnections");

    It's a little easier to visualize the data in this version:

    function getDataFromJSON() {
      const url="";
      const jsn=UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
      const obj=JSON.parse(jsn);
      const keys=Object.keys(obj.connections[0]);
      //SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModelessDialog(HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(keys.join('<br />')), "Keys");
      var html=""; 
        html+=Utilities.formatString('<br />Connection: %d',j+1);
          html+=Utilities.formatString('<br />%s-<strong>%s</strong>:%s',i+1,k,c[k] instanceof Array?c[k].join("|"):c[k]);
        html+='<br /><hr>';
      SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModelessDialog(HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html).setWidth(600), "Connnections");

    enter image description here

    Into a Spreadsheet:

    function getDataFromJSON() {
      const url="";
      const jsn=UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
      const obj=JSON.parse(jsn);
      const keys=Object.keys(obj.connections[0]);
      let vA=[];
      //var html=""; 
        //html+=Utilities.formatString('<br />Connection: %d',j+1);
        vA[j]=[];//create array for each row
          //html+=Utilities.formatString('<br />%s-<strong>%s</strong>:%s',i+1,k,c[k] instanceof Array?c[k].join("|"):c[k]);
          vA[j].push(c[k] instanceof Array?c[k].join('\n'):c[k]);//push in row values
        //html+='<br /><hr>';
      //SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModelessDialog(HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html).setWidth(600), "Connnections");
      const ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
      const sh=ss.getActiveSheet();
      sh.clearContents();//clear sheet
      vA.unshift(keys);//put keys in as headers
      sh.getRange(1,1,vA.length,vA[0].length).setValues(vA);//load the data