I want to include a quote into my project and it is a stylish looking quote that has a huge quotation with less opacity. The problem is I got everything else of the quote to appear like the text and other elements, but I cannot get the quotation mark to appear, I do not know why. Can you guys please help?
where I got the whole code from (CodePen): https://codepen.io/jimmycow/pen/LmjVaz
But when I run it anywhere else, the quotation mark does not appear and everything else does. For example, if I try to run the code even here at StackOverFlow:
.blockquote {
padding: 60px 80px 40px;
position: relative;
.blockquote p {
font-family: "Utopia-italic";
font-size: 35px;
font-weight: 700px;
text-align: center;
/*blockquote p::before {
content: "\f095";
font-family: FontAwesome;
display: inline-block;
padding-right: 6px;
vertical-align: middle;
font-size: 180px;
.blockquote:before {
position: absolute;
font-family: 'FontAwesome';
top: 0;
font-size: 200px;
color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
.blockquote::after {
content: "";
top: 20px;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -100px;
position: absolute;
border-bottom: 3px solid #bf0024;
height: 3px;
width: 200px;
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400italic);
font-size: 1.4em;
margin:50px auto;
font-family:Open Sans;
color: #555555;
padding:1.2em 30px 1.2em 75px;
border-left:8px solid #78C0A8 ;
position: relative;
content: "\201C";
position: absolute;
left: 10px;
content: '';
.otro-blockquote span{
font-style: normal;
font-weight: bold;
<blockquote class="blockquote"><p>Morales ha convertido la ya dúctil democracia boliviana en una plastilina con la que sus manos juegan a su antojo.</p></blockquote>
<br />
<blockquote class="otro-blockquote">
Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That's because they were able to connect experiences they've had and synthesize new things.
<span>Steve Jobs</span>
As you can see from the output, the quotation mark does not appear but when you click on the above link for CodePen I sent you, the quotation mark is there. What seems to be the problem?
The quotes you want is the output of Font Awesome css. To display, connect this link:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">