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VueJS - How do I use props in same component to specify the value in another component

I am new to vuejs, I want to know how props can be g to mounted function of another component. Below i will show how i have tried it.

Here is my Component.vue

  <div class="Passing prop value">
    <chart :id="'3'"></chart>
  <div class="Passing prop value second time">
    <chart :id="'8'"></chart>

import chart from '.chartline.vue'
export default{
    props: {
        id: {
            type: String,
            required: true 
  components: {chart},
  mounted (){
    this.$http.get('api/goes/here' + ) <-- here id should get value 3 for 1st div and value 8 for second div

I am passing the id value in the component, and i expect the same value in the mounted function.

As you can i tried to achieve it by using props but dont know nothing is displayed in browser, so is this the right way to use props.

objective: I want to give id in the imported component and specify the value there.Please do help me.


  • Firstafall let me add a solution assuming that your prop 'id' contains just one value
      <div class="Passing prop value">
        <chart :id="getId"></chart>
    import chart from '.chartline.vue'
    export default{
        props: {
            id: {
                type: String,
                required: true 
      components: {chart},
      computed: {
        getId() {
      mounted (){
        this.$http.get('api/goes/here' + ) <-- here id should get value 3 for 1st div and value 8 for second div
    // Secondly like if your response has a array of id's then you can do this in this way
      <div v-for="idd in getIds" class="Passing prop value">
        <chart :id="idd"></chart>
    import chart from '.chartline.vue'
    export default{
        props: {
            id: {
                type: String,
                required: true 
        data() {
          return {
          ids: []
        components: {chart},
        computed: {
          getIds() {
           return this.ids;
        mounted (){
        this.ids = this.$http.get('api/goes/here' + ) <-- Assuming that the 
        response is an array