I'm currently trying to convert a URL query string to a JavaScript Object, which isn't going so well. I've looked around Stack Overflow for possible solutions but haven't have quite found what I was looking for. This is the query string:
I'm looking for something like this:
class: {
description: '',
location_id: '122',
questions: {
2275: {
answer: '',
answers: ['Black canary']
2276: {
answer: '',
answers: ['Blue Whistle']
ids: ['32']
student: {
gender: '',
picture: ''
I tried using a library called query-string, but this is what I get:
'class[description]': '',
'class[location_id]': '122',
'class[questions][2775][answer]': '',
'class[questions][2775][answers][]': 'Black canary',
'class[questions][2776][answer]': '',
'class[questions][2776][answers][]': 'Blue Whistle',
'ids[]': '32',
'student[gender]': '',
'student[picture]': ''
And I tried using two implementations I found here:
function form2Json(str) {
"use strict";
var obj, i, pt, keys, j, ev;
if (typeof form2Json.br !== 'function') {
form2Json.br = function (repl) {
if (repl.indexOf(']') !== -1) {
return repl.replace(/\](.+?)(,|$)/g, function ($1, $2, $3) {
return form2Json.br($2 + '}' + $3);
return repl;
str = '{"' + (str.indexOf('%') !== -1 ? decodeURI(str) : str) + '"}';
obj = str.replace(/\=/g, '":"').replace(/&/g, '","').replace(/\[/g, '":{"');
obj = JSON.parse(obj.replace(/\](.+?)(,|$)/g, function ($1, $2, $3) { return form2Json.br($2 + '}' + $3); }));
pt = ('&' + str).replace(/(\[|\]|\=)/g, '"$1"').replace(/\]"+/g, ']').replace(/&([^\[\=]+?)(\[|\=)/g, '"&["$1]$2');
pt = (pt + '"').replace(/^"&/, '').split('&');
for (i = 0; i < pt.length; i++) {
ev = obj;
keys = pt[i].match(/(?!:(\["))([^"]+?)(?=("\]))/g);
for (j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {
if (!ev.hasOwnProperty(keys[j])) {
if (keys.length > (j + 1)) {
ev[keys[j]] = {};
else {
ev[keys[j]] = pt[i].split('=')[1].replace(/"/g, '');
ev = ev[keys[j]];
return obj;
But ended up with this:
class: {
description: "",
location_id: "122"
2775: {answers: "Black+canary", answer: ""}
2776: {answers: "Blue+Whistle", answer: ""}
ids: {
"": "32"
student: {
gender: ""
picture: ""
becoming an object instead of an array and answers
becoming a string.
The closest I could get to it was using this:
function form2Json(str) {
"use strict";
var pairs = str.split('&'),
result = {};
for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
var pair = pairs[i].split('='),
key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0]),
value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]),
isArray = /\[\]$/.test(key),
dictMatch = key.match(/^(.+)\[([^\]]+)\]$/);
if (dictMatch) {
key = dictMatch[1];
var subkey = dictMatch[2];
result[key] = result[key] || {};
result[key][subkey] = value;
} else if (isArray) {
key = key.substring(0, key.length - 2);
result[key] = result[key] || [];
} else {
result[key] = value;
return result;
With this result:
class: {location_id: "122", description: ""},
class[questions][2775]: {answer: ""},
class[questions][2775][answers]: ["Black+canary"],
class[questions][2776]: {answer: ""},
class[questions][2776][answers]: ["Blue+Whistle"],
ids: ["32"],
student: {gender: "", picture: ""}
...with only up to first level association, and the array of ids
being assigned properly as an array. How can I make this work?
You can use URLSearchParams
function form2Object(str) {
let result = {};
for (let [path, value] of new URLSearchParams(str).entries()) {
let keys = path.match(/[^[\]]+/g);
let prop = keys.pop();
let acc = result;
for (let key of keys) acc = (acc[key] = acc[key] || {});
acc[prop] = path.endsWith("[]")
? (acc[prop] || []).concat(value)
: value;
return result;
// Demo
let str = "class%5Blocation_id%5D=122&student%5Bgender%5D=&student%5Bpicture%5D=&class%5Bquestions%5D%5B2775%5D%5Banswers%5D%5B%5D=Black+canary&ids%5B%5D=32&class%5Bquestions%5D%5B2775%5D%5Banswer%5D=&class%5Bquestions%5D%5B2776%5D%5Banswers%5D%5B%5D=Blue+Whistle&class%5Bquestions%5D%5B2776%5D%5Banswer%5D=&class%5Bdescription%5D=";
This is EcmaScript 2015 compatible:
function form2Object(str) {
var result = {};
str.split("&").map(function(eq) {
return eq.split("=").map(decodeURIComponent);
}).forEach(function (entry) {
var path = entry[0];
var value = entry[1];
var keys = path.match(/[^[\]]+/g);
var prop = keys.pop();
var acc = keys.reduce(function (acc, key) {
return (acc[key] = acc[key] || {});
}, result);
acc[prop] = path.slice(-2) === "[]"
? (acc[prop] || []).concat(value)
: value;
return result;
// Demo
let str = "class%5Blocation_id%5D=122&student%5Bgender%5D=&student%5Bpicture%5D=&class%5Bquestions%5D%5B2775%5D%5Banswers%5D%5B%5D=Black+canary&ids%5B%5D=32&class%5Bquestions%5D%5B2775%5D%5Banswer%5D=&class%5Bquestions%5D%5B2776%5D%5Banswers%5D%5B%5D=Blue+Whistle&class%5Bquestions%5D%5B2776%5D%5Banswer%5D=&class%5Bdescription%5D=";