I have following code snippet which generates POST request using aws amplify api. I am storing API.post promise inside promiseToCancel variable. and when user clicks on cancel button I am calling cancelRequest().
promiseToCancel variable has promise object in pending state which I am passing to API.cancel().however this api request not getting cancelled. and I don't see any errors on console also.
I am using aws-amplify version 3.3.13.
import API from "@aws-amplify/api"
let promiseToCancel;
const post = (path, body, options) =>{
try {
promiseToCancel = API.post().then(()=>{
const cancelRequest = () => {
API.cancel(promiseToCancel, 'request cancel message')
can someone please help me to identify what is wrong with this? Not sure but I think some scope issue is causing this behavior.
I changed API.post() as below and its working. Issue was with how promise has written and we are storing reference.
try {
promiseToCancel = API.post();
promiseToCancel.then(()=> {
} catch(){