Good afternoon. This is my first consultation in the community. I am trying to implement an adaptive banner using the official documentation, but the example has deprecated terms and the help that Android Studio provides is confusing for me. I was looking for hours in the forum and I did not find an answer to help me. I would appreciate if you could help me implement an adaptive banner with Kotiln for SDK 30.
private lateinit var adView: AdView
private val adSize: AdSize
get() {
val display = windowManager.defaultDisplay
val outMetrics = DisplayMetrics()
val density = outMetrics.density
var adWidthPixels = frameAnuncio.width.toFloat()
if (adWidthPixels == 0f) {
adWidthPixels = outMetrics.widthPixels.toFloat()
val adWidth = (adWidthPixels / density).toInt()
return AdSize.getCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSize(this, adWidth)
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val toolbar: Toolbar = findViewById(
MobileAds.initialize(this) { }
adView = AdView(this)
private fun loadBanner() {
adView.adUnitId = AD_UNIT_ID
adView.adSize = adSize
val adRequest = AdRequest.Builder().addTestDevice(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR).build()
companion object {
private val AD_UNIT_ID = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713"
The Admob dependency is: Implementation ' play-services-ads: 19.6.0'
Thank you
For the first part, you can use windowManager.currentDisplayMetrics
to get access to window bounds. And resources.displayMetrics
for access to the density.
private val adSize: AdSize
get() {
val metrics = windowManager.currentWindowMetrics
val density = resources.displayMetrics.density
var adWidthPixels = frameAnuncio.width.toFloat()
if (adWidthPixels == 0f) {
adWidthPixels = metrics.bounds.width().toFloat()
val adWidth = (adWidthPixels / density).toInt()
return AdSize.getCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSize(this, adWidth)
The new way of adding a test device is explained in the documentation here.