AWS ALB has the new support for gRPC load balancing as per this Link
All the explanation indicates using an ssl connection between the client & the server. Now, this might be required if client is browser, but in the case of Internal ALB & Intra service communication, I would not like to have secure connection.
Is this possible/ Has anyone got more info on how to load balance without ssl?
What I understand: Pick your domain name, generate a certificate. Add Alias for this in Route 53 (same domain name) & use the certificates in client & server for intra-servie communication in Internal ELB.
Is this the only way possible? I have to also manage this certificate.
After trying a lot of things, These are my conclusions.
The steps required:
Server Side: No SSL required. You can start Server on insecure channel.
Client Side:
Ssl is required.
new ClientClass(<Route 53 endpoint which maps to AWS ALB Endpoint>, credentials.createSsl());
Make sure, Certificates on AWS ALB matches the Route 53 alias endpoint of aws alb.
Conclusion: Client make requests to ALB, via the certificate issued by ALB to client. ALB makes insecure requests to TG (forwarding to server listening on insecure channel ) You can also make ALB to TG requests as secure, this would server side SSL changes