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In Google Sheets, how can I get todays date and the previous 19 days in a list. Excluding Weekends and even Holidays if possible?

I start with =today() in the first cell which works fine. And then use =A2-IF(WEEKDAY(A2)<5,3,1) which I found on the internet but is giving me wrong dates.


  • getting 19 days:

    =INDEX(TEXT(SEQUENCE(19, 1, TODAY()-18), "dd/mm/yyyy"))

    enter image description here

    excluding weekends from those 19 days:

    =INDEX(QUERY(TEXT(SEQUENCE(19, 1, TODAY()-18), {"dd/mm/yyyy", "ddd"}), 
     "where not Col2 matches 'Sat|Sun'"),, 1)

    enter image description here

    adding a list of holidays which should be excluded too:

    =INDEX(QUERY(TEXT(SEQUENCE(19, 1, TODAY()-18), {"dd/mm/yyyy", "ddd"}), 
     "where not Col2 matches 'Sat|Sun'
        and not Col1 matches '"&TEXTJOIN("|", 1, D2:D)&"'"),, 1)

    enter image description here

    getting 19 entries after excluding weekends and holidays:

     {"dd/mm/yyyy", "ddd", "@"}), 
     "where not Col2 matches 'Sat|Sun'
        and not Col1 matches '"&TEXTJOIN("|", 1, D2:D)&"'
      order by Col3 desc 
      limit 19"), 3, 1),, 1)

    enter image description here

    if you for some reason need valid dates use:

     {"dd/mm/yyy", "ddd", "@"}), 
     "where not Col2 matches 'Sat|Sun'
        and not Col1 matches '"&TEXTJOIN("|", 1, D2:D)&"'
      order by Col3 desc 
      limit 19"), 3, 1)),, 1)

    enter image description here