A few days ago I ask a question here and it's solved my issue using below query. I just added and t.date_of_created > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 90 DAY)
to display the data only for 90 days and it's working.
Now my issue is, I have to show SUM(f_filestatus = 3) AS tcount3
only for 30 days and rest will display data for 90 days.
Any idea show to do this?
SUM(f_filestatus = 1) AS tcount1,
SUM(f_filestatus = 2) AS tcount2,
SUM(f_filestatus = 3) AS tcount3
SELECT t.f_bankid, t.f_filestatus
FROM tbl_fileStatus t
WHERE t.f_id = (SELECT f_id FROM tbl_fileStatus WHERE f_bankid = t.f_bankid and t.date_of_created > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 90 DAY) ORDER BY f_id DESC LIMIT 1)
) t
I would write your current query using window functions:
SELECT SUM(f_filestatus = 1) AS tcount1,
SUM(f_filestatus = 2) AS tcount2,
SUM(f_filestatus = 3) AS tcount3
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY f_bank_id ORDER BY date_of_created DESC, f_id DESC) as seqnum
FROM tbl_fileStatus fs
WHERE fs.date_of_created > CURDATE() - INTERVAL 90 DAY
) fs
WHERE seqnum = 1;
But the answer to your question is to simply add a new condition:
SELECT SUM(f_filestatus = 1) AS tcount1,
SUM(f_filestatus = 2) AS tcount2,
SUM(f_filestatus = 3 AND fs.date_of_created > CURDATE() - INTERVAL 30 DAY) AS tcount3
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY f_bank_id ORDER BY date_of_created DESC, f_id DESC) as seqnum
FROM tbl_fileStatus fs
WHERE fs.date_of_created > CURDATE() - INTERVAL 90 DAY
) fs
WHERE seqnum = 1;
You can use the same idea in older versions:
SELECT SUM(f_filestatus = 1) AS tcount1,
SUM(f_filestatus = 2) AS tcount2,
SUM(f_filestatus = 3 AND fs.date_of_created > CURDATE() - INTERVAL 30 DAY) AS tcount3
FROM tbl_fileStatus fs
WHERE fs.f_id = (SELECT fs2.f_id
FROM tbl_fileStatus fs2
WHERE fs2.bank_id = fs.bank_id AND
fs2.date_of_created > CURDATE() - INTERVAL 90 DAY
ORDER BY fs2.f_id DESC