I'm making a simple movie watchlist application. I use asyncstorage to save the selected movies. I want to remove the movie the user has selected in the watchlist section. Right now I am trying this code:
removeItemValue= async (item, index) => {
let value1 = await AsyncStorage.getItem('movies');
value1 =JSON.parse(value1);
//value = item.splice(index,1)
if (value1 !== null){
//var index = value.indexOf(x => x.Title === item.Title);
if (index > -1){
value1.splice(index, 1);
await AsyncStorage.removeItem('movies');
But this isn't working. Can you tell me where is wrong?
removeItemValue = async(index) => { // don't need item here
// avoid mutations, create new variables
const rawValue = await AsyncStorage.getItem('movies');
try {
const jsonValue = JSON.parse(rawValue) || []; // avoid undefined or null
const finalValue = [...jsonValue.slice(0, index), ...jsonValue.slice(index + 1)];
await AsyncStorage.setItem('movies', JSON.stringify(finalValue)); // add await here
} catch (e) {
console.log('Parsing failed', e)
And remove using () => this.removeItemValue(index)