is there a cloud stream ibm qm binder for spring cloud stream?
I have seen this one but if I understand well, due to license constraints I must manually install the library (which is not possible for me). So it will be nice if there is a cloud stream binder all done we can declare in our pom.xml or build.gradle (like spring-cloud-stream-kafka or spring-cloud-stream-rabbit).
it will also be kind if someone can provide a full example of spring cloud stream with ibm qm binder
thank you.
The Spring Cloud Stream project is currently supporting bindings only for RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, Kafka Streams, and Amazon Kinesis. Then, there are some binders supported by partners for Google PubSub, Solace Pub/Sub+, Azure Event Hubs, and Apache RocketMQ. More info in the official documentation.
The binder for IBM MQ that you referenced is not supported anymore, just like other JMS-based systems like ApacheMQ.
The project exposes an SPI for implementing custom binders, in case you're interested. More info: