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Cypress: cy.task() with multiple arguments

What I am trying: Pass multiple arguments in cy.task() command and print those argument values declared in function mentioned in plugins/index.js file

Issue: The function print prints only the first argument value and undefined for a second argument


//test file with cy.task() command

class LoginPage {
    let site = abc
    let userDetails = xyz
    openPage(env, site, userDetails) {
        cy.task('loadUserAccountDetails', site, userDetails)

module.exports = LoginPage

// plugins/index.js file where the event is registered with declared function

const validUserDetails = (site, userDetails) => {
  console.log('--->' + site) // This prints abc
  console.log('--->' + userDetails) // This prints undefined

module.exports = (on, config) => {
  // `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits
  // `config` is the resolved Cypress config

  on('task', {
    loadUserAccountDetails: validUserDetails

Kindly help.


  • This worked by passing arguments on task registered at index.js file.

    on('task', {
        loadUserAccountDetails(site, userDetails): validUserDetails(site, userDetails)