I would like to disable MS Office connected experiences through registry or command prompt or even a AutoHotkey script
Hope someone can help me, I swear I spent quite a lot of time searching Google for a solution to this problem but to no avail.
And the follwoing entries not existing on my registry, even after I entered them, they did not work at all, even by signing out and into windows
My office is 2019 pro plus 32-bit
After many tries, this worked for me:
SetKeyDelay, 100
run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\EXCEL.EXE"
WinWait, Excel
sleep 100
Send !t
sleep 100
Send t
sleep 100
Send {Tab 2}
sleep 100
Send {Space}
sleep 100
Send p
sleep 100
Send {Tab}
sleep 100
Send {Space}
sleep 100
Send {Tab 2}
sleep 100
Send {Space}
sleep 100
Send {Tab 2}
sleep 100
Send {Space}
sleep 100
Send {Tab 2}
sleep 100
Send {Space}
sleep 100
Send {Tab 2}
sleep 100
Send {Space}
sleep 100
Send {Tab 2}
sleep 100
Send {Space}
sleep 100
Send {Space}
sleep 100
WinClose Trust Center,
sleep 100
WinClose Excel Options,
sleep 100
WinClose Excel
Spyre Thank you for your patience with me, I appreciate your help.
If you willing to help me afterwards in other automation issues, I'm ready to post additional questions soon.