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Determine max length of thrust::device_vector

Is there a way to determine the maximum size of thrust::device_vector<T> that you can safely allocate?


  • There isn't a straightforward way that I am aware of. My usual approach has been to do something like this:

    const size_t MB = 1<<20;
    size_t reserved, total;
    cudaMemGetInfo( &reserved, &total );
    char fail = 0;
    while( cudaMalloc( (void**)&pool, reserved ) != cudaSuccess )
        reserved -= MB;
        if( reserved < MB )
            fail = 1;

    which starts with the total free memory returned from cudaMemGetInfo, then decrements it my a "reasonable" size (as best as I could tell in the GT200 era, the GPU MMU has a couple of different page sizes, with 1Mb being the largest). The loop continues until you either get an allocation, or memory is so fragmented or exhausted that even a single page will fail. Not very pretty, but it seems to work 99.999% of the time.