I've been trying to figure out if there is a way to use Chromium browser as the UI for a Java application. I found this IntelliJ page: https://jetbrains.org/intellij/sdk/docs/reference_guide/jcef.html The thing I can't figure out is how I actually use this in my project. My IntelliJ version is 2020.3 and it says that in 2020.2 JCEF was enabled by default. I however cannot figure out how I use JCEF in my project. I can't seem to find any clear documentation. When I try to import, for example, com.intellij it can't find the package.
Are there any tutorials or guides to integrate JCEF in my IntelliJ project?
You can run jetty server or use resource provider. Example of resource provider: https://medium.com/virtuslab/creating-intellij-plugin-with-webview-3b27c3f87aea
Also this example of abstract WebDialog explain how to pass data to fe: https://github.com/sergeysenja1992/xm-online-idea-plugin/blob/master/src/main/kotlin/com/icthh/xm/actions/WebDialog.kt
All magic in class BrowserPipe (WebDialog.kt file) on backend side, and same class in frontend class https://github.com/sergeysenja1992/xm-online-idea-plugin/blob/master/src/main/webapp/src/index.html
Next js file it's one more part of magic
<script src="http://registercallback/events.js"></script>
This js file does not exists, but be listen this request and return generated js code.
CefApp.getInstance().registerSchemeHandlerFactory("http", "registercallback", InjectJsHandlerFactory(inject()))
For more details pls look to this line of code in (WebDialog.kt file)
After all manipulation as result i have ability to write components in simple way: FE: https://github.com/sergeysenja1992/xm-online-idea-plugin/blob/master/src/main/webapp/src/app/settings/settings.component.ts
constructor(private zone: NgZone) {
let w: any = window;
w.messagePipe.subscribe('initData', (res) => {
console.info('initData', res);
zone.run(() => {
w.messagePipe.post('componentReady', 'SettingsComponent ready')
override fun callbacks(): List<BrowserCallback> {
val data = ArrayList(project.getSettings().envs.map { it.copy() })
this.data = data;
return listOf(
BrowserCallback("componentReady") {body, pipe ->
logger.info("Update ${body}")
pipe.post("initData", mapper.writeValueAsString(mapOf(
"updateModes" to updateModes,
"branches" to project.getRepository().getLocalBranches(),
"envs" to data,
BrowserCallback("envsUpdated") {body, pipe ->
logger.info("envsUpdated ${body}")
val envs = mapper.readValue<List<EnvironmentSettings>>(body)
this.data = ArrayList(envs);