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Sideloading images to imgur without API key

I've been trying to use the feature of the imgur API that allows you to just send a GET request to with a URL in the form data, and have that image uploaded, but I can't get it to work, it just returns nothing.

$.get("", {
  url: ''
}, function(data) {
  return console.log(data);

Are there any alternatives? Or does anyone know how I can get the above code to work?

imgur API documentation here


  • Ah, it was in fact working!

    The location of the uploaded image was being returned as Location in the response headers.


    I found that I wasn't able to access the headers so I had to come up with something else. Here's a snippet to upload using YQL:

    urlToImgur = (url, callback) ->
      upload_url = "{url}"
        url: ''
        dataType: 'jsonp'
          q: "select none from html where url='#{upload_url}'"
          diagnostics: true
        success: (data) ->
          redirects = data.query.diagnostics.redirect
          image_url = redirects[redirects.length-1].content
          callback image_url