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Compiling and Running a netbeans GUI Application in Unix commandline

I need to make a GUI Application for my class , so I want to make sure I can transfer a netbeans project using the GUI Builder (I know how to make it without it, but that's more time consuming and I think it would look neater without me guessing coordinates etc. and I was use to the netbeans GUI builder) from netbeans onto unix and compile it. So here's what I did I made a new JFrame form (using netbeans GUI Builder) called and another called (keep in mind that it ran with no errors in netbeans) StartFrame creates a new instance of MenuFrame and opens it on it's first run. So I transferred all of it onto the unix system. So at first I tried compiling it, but of course it got errors, saying that org.jdesktop... isn't found.
Okay so I've already searched stackoverflow and the web for this. So I ended up getting the swing-layout-1.0.4.jar from the libraries in netbeans. I'm kind of new at compiling from command line, but I put them all in the same folder, and while I was in that directory. I did

javac -cp swing-layout-1.0.4.jar

and I got the error that NoClassDefFoundException: MenuFrame even though it is in the same folder. So then I tried

javac -cp swing-layout-1.0.4.jar

and it compiled fine with no errors. So then It created 6 files StartFrame.class StartFrame$1.class StartFrame$2.class StartFrame$3.class StartFrame$4.class MenuFrame.class I tried running it with

java -cp swing-layout-1.0.4.jar StartFrame

and it had a NoClassDefFoundException: StartFrame. I searched the web for fixes for this and stack overflow and found similar (not exact though) problems like this, but none of those fixed it.


  • The file dist/README.TXT will tell you how to proceed. Type ant -p at the command line to see that available commands: ant run is usually good.


    The machine doesn't have ant installed

    That would be unusual, so you should certainly verify it. You may need to add the current directory to the path, e.g.

    java -cp .:swing-layout-1.0.4.jar StartFrame