I am trying to design an Excel formula that, based on an adjacent column's value compared to the previous row's value returns the minimum of the column. Here is a specific example:
Given this data, the value 800 should be returned, because only 1800, 9000, and 800 should be considered, because those are the first cells where the Track column changes.
I have tried a variety of combinations with MIN() MINIFS(), MIN()/IF(), INDRIECT()/ADDRESS()/ROW()... but could not come up with a working example.
In pseudocode:
min_value = 999999
FOR EACH cell in A3 to A9
IF value(adjacent cell in C) IS NOT value(adjacent cell in C - 1) THEN
IF cell < min_value THEN
set min_value to value(cell)
The simple solution will based on Array Formulas.
Enter the following formula:
Then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
The formula will compare each cell in range C2:C8
to the cell above.
the min function will consider the corresponding cell in A2:A8
range otherwise NULL
will be consider (that is some dummy string value that the min function will ignore)