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How to join/populate 3 tables with Bookshelf in Node.js

[This is different from already asked question]

I have 3 tables book, chapter, paragraph.

Book related to chapter.(one to many)

Chapter related to Paragraph(one to many)

How can I query Book and get related Chapters and related Paragraph ? Looking for something like nested withRelated

Expected output

    "book1Info": "",
    "Chapters": [
        "chaptor1Info": "",
        "Paragraphes": [
            "page1": ""
            "page2": ""

I have read docs and tried withRelated without success


  • I couldn't find it on Bookshelf.js documentation but found something related on github issues page which helped to figure it out-

    You can use withRelated and provide nested tables with dot.

    e.g. -

    withRelated: ['Books.Chapters']

    OR even

    withRelated: ['Books.Chapters.paragraphs']